Who holds sovereign debt and why it matters

X Fang, B Hardy, KK Lewis - 2022 - nber.org
This paper studies the impact of investor composition on the sovereign debt market. We
construct a data set of sovereign debt holdings by foreign and domestic bank, non-bank …

[КНИГА][B] Tackling the fiscal policy-financial stability nexus

CEV Borio, M Farag, F Zampolli - 2023 - bis.org
Tackling the fiscal policy-financial stability nexus is essential to ensure financial and hence
macroeconomic stability. In this paper, we review the literature on this topic and suggest how …

Inflation and public finances: an overview

D Mihaljek - Public Sector Economics, 2023 - hrcak.srce.hr
Sažetak This paper presents an analytical overview of the effects of inflation on government
revenues, expenditure and fiscal positions. Evidence for a range of countries from the …

Sovereign risk and bank lending: evidence from 1999 turkish earthquake

YS Baṣkaya, B Hardy, Ṣ Kalemli-Özcan… - Journal of International …, 2024 - Elsevier
We use an exogenous fiscal shock to identify the transmission of government risk to bank
lending due to banks holding government bonds. We illustrate with a theoretical model that …

[HTML][HTML] Bank credit risk and sovereign debt exposure: Moral hazard or hedging?

L Baselga-Pascual, L Loban, ER Myllymäki - Finance Research Letters, 2025 - Elsevier
This study investigates the relationship between credit risk and bank exposure to sovereign
debt. Using an international dataset of commercial banks from 2002 to 2022, we apply …

[HTML][HTML] Interest rate risk management by EME banks

J Caballero, A Maurin, P Wooldridge, D **a - BIS Quarterly Review, 2023 - bis.org
Banks' management of interest rate risk depends on their business model as well as the
environment in which they operate 1. In comparison with banks in many advanced …

Is Gold a High-Quality Liquid Asset?

DG Baur, LT Hoang - Available at SSRN 5064967, 2024 - papers.ssrn.com
This paper examines if gold is a High-Quality Liquid Asset (HQLA) based on the criteria set
by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. We describe fundamental and market …

[PDF][PDF] Interest rate risk management by EME banks

R Corrias, J Frost, U Lewrick, B Mojon, N Reynolds… - BIS Quarterly …, 2023 - bis.org
Banks' management of interest rate risk depends on their business model as well as the
environment in which they operate. In comparison with banks in many advanced economies …

Monetary policy transmission under pandemic uncertainty: Effect on banks' risk and capital adjustments

MY Toh, D Jia - International Journal of Finance & Economics - Wiley Online Library
This paper investigates the effects of monetary policy on the simultaneous adjustments in
asset portfolio risk and capital of banks amidst the uncertainty of the COVID‐19 pandemic …

A High-Frequency Measure of Chinese Monetary Policy Shocks

JJ He, CD Jia, K Li, W Wu - Available at SSRN 4599848, 2023 - papers.ssrn.com
We develop a daily measure of Chinese monetary policy shocks that incorporates both
quantity and interest rate-based policy changes. Our shock measure serves as a sufficient …