[HTML][HTML] Entropic approach to the detection of crucial events
In this paper, we establish a clear distinction between two processes yielding anomalous
diffusion and 1/f noise. The first process is called Stationary Fractional Brownian Motion …
diffusion and 1/f noise. The first process is called Stationary Fractional Brownian Motion …
Dynamical systems and computable information
We present some new results which relate information to chaotic dynamics. In our approach
the quantity of information is measured by the Algorithmic Information Content (Kolmogorov …
the quantity of information is measured by the Algorithmic Information Content (Kolmogorov …
Subexponential instability in one-dimensional maps implies infinite invariant measure
We characterize dynamical instability of weak chaos as subexponential instability. We show
that a one-dimensional, conservative, ergodic measure preserving map with subexponential …
that a one-dimensional, conservative, ergodic measure preserving map with subexponential …
Separation of trajectories and its relation to entropy for intermittent systems with a zero Lyapunov exponent
One-dimensional intermittent maps with stretched exponential δ xt∼ δ x 0 e λ α t α
separation of nearby trajectories are considered. When t→∞ the standard Lyapunov …
separation of nearby trajectories are considered. When t→∞ the standard Lyapunov …
Computational information for the logistic map at the chaos threshold
We study the logistic map $ f (x)=\lambda x (1-x) $ on the unit square at the chaos threshold.
By using the methods of symbolic dynamics, the information content of an orbit of a …
By using the methods of symbolic dynamics, the information content of an orbit of a …
Recurrence and algorithmic information
Recurrence and algorithmic information Page 1 Nonlinearity Recurrence and algorithmic
information To cite this article: Claudio Bonanno et al 2004 Nonlinearity 17 1057 View the …
information To cite this article: Claudio Bonanno et al 2004 Nonlinearity 17 1057 View the …
[PDF][PDF] Asymptotic orbit complexity of infinite measure preserving transformations
R Zweimuller - Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2006 - mat.univie.ac.at
We determine the asymptotics of the Kolmogorov complexity of symbolic orbits of certain
infinite measure preserving transformations. Specifically, we prove that the Brudno-White …
infinite measure preserving transformations. Specifically, we prove that the Brudno-White …
The recurrence time for ergodic systems with infinite invariant measures
We investigate quantitative recurrence in systems having an infinite invariant measure. We
extend the Ornstein–Weiss theorem for a general class of infinite systems estimating return …
extend the Ornstein–Weiss theorem for a general class of infinite systems estimating return …
Generalized Lyapunov exponent as a unified characterization of dynamical instabilities
The Lyapunov exponent characterizes an exponential growth rate of the difference of nearby
orbits. A positive Lyapunov exponent (exponential dynamical instability) is a manifestation of …
orbits. A positive Lyapunov exponent (exponential dynamical instability) is a manifestation of …
Number of first-passage times as a measurement of information for weakly chaotic systems
We consider a general class of maps of the interval having Lyapunov subexponential
instability| δ xt|∼| δ x 0| exp [Λ t (x 0) ζ (t)], where ζ (t) grows sublinearly as t→∞. We outline …
instability| δ xt|∼| δ x 0| exp [Λ t (x 0) ζ (t)], where ζ (t) grows sublinearly as t→∞. We outline …