A review of recent developments on drought characterization, propagation, and influential factors
Droughts have impacted human society throughout its history. However, the occurrence of
severe drought events in the last century and the concerns on the potential effects of climate …
severe drought events in the last century and the concerns on the potential effects of climate …
[HTML][HTML] What do we know about water scarcity in semi-arid zones? A global analysis and research trends
Water supply is strategic for the development of society. The water distribution in nature
follows patterns linked to geographic and territorial issues. Climate fluctuations aggravate …
follows patterns linked to geographic and territorial issues. Climate fluctuations aggravate …
Using remote sensing to quantify the joint effects of climate and land use/land cover changes on the caatinga biome of northeast Brazilian
Caatinga biome, located in the Brazilian semi-arid region, is the most populous semi-arid
region in the world, causing intensification in land degradation and loss of biodiversity over …
region in the world, causing intensification in land degradation and loss of biodiversity over …
Variation in actual evapotranspiration and its ties to climate change and vegetation dynamics in northwest China
Actual evapotranspiration (ET a) has significantly increased under recent climate and
vegetation changes. Discriminating the primary driver of ET a variation would improve our …
vegetation changes. Discriminating the primary driver of ET a variation would improve our …
[HTML][HTML] Seasonal ecosystem productivity in a seasonally dry tropical forest (caatinga) using flux tower measurements and remote sensing data
GB Costa, KR Mendes, LB Viana, GV Almeida… - Remote Sensing, 2022 - mdpi.com
The Caatinga dry forest encompasses 11% of the total continental territory of Brazil.
Nevertheless, most research on the relationship between phenology and ecosystem …
Nevertheless, most research on the relationship between phenology and ecosystem …
Remote sensing-based assessment of land degradation and drought impacts over terrestrial ecosystems in Northeastern Brazil
The spatio-temporal assessment of water and carbon fluxes in Brazil's Northeast region
(NEB) allows for a better understanding of these surface flux patterns in areas with different …
(NEB) allows for a better understanding of these surface flux patterns in areas with different …
The use of remote sensing for reliable estimation of net radiation and its components: a case study for contrasting land covers in an agricultural hotspot of the Brazilian …
This study aims to ascertain the uncertainties related to the spatiotemporal estimation of net
radiation, and its components, using remote sensing data. Geographical focus is an irrigated …
radiation, and its components, using remote sensing data. Geographical focus is an irrigated …
Are remote sensing evapotranspiration models reliable across South American ecoregions?
Many remote sensing‐based evapotranspiration (RSBET) algorithms have been proposed
in the past decades and evaluated using flux tower data, mainly over North America and …
in the past decades and evaluated using flux tower data, mainly over North America and …
Rainfall and rain pulse role on energy, water vapor and CO2 exchanges in a tropical semiarid environment
Several aspects of the hydrological regime influence the CO 2 exchanges between the
atmosphere and drylands. The objective of this study was to carry out a thorough …
atmosphere and drylands. The objective of this study was to carry out a thorough …
Effects of human-induced land degradation on water and carbon fluxes in two different Brazilian dryland soil covers
The Brazilian semiarid region presents a physical water scarcity and high seasonal and
interannual irregularities of precipitation, known as a region with periodic droughts. This …
interannual irregularities of precipitation, known as a region with periodic droughts. This …