Traditional, indigenous, or leafy? A definition, typology, and way forward for African vegetables
AM Towns, C Shackleton - Economic Botany, 2018 - Springer
Traditional, I ndigenous, or L eafy? A Definition, Typology, and Way Forward for African
Vegetables. Around 1000 different species of indigenous and naturalized vegetables …
Vegetables. Around 1000 different species of indigenous and naturalized vegetables …
[HTML][HTML] The potential applications of cytokinins and cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase inhibitors for mitigating abiotic stresses in model and non-model plant species
Cytokinins (CKs) are important phytohormones which are used by plants to optimize
responses against abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity, temperature and nutrient …
responses against abiotic stresses such as drought, salinity, temperature and nutrient …
Nitrate reductase is required for salicylic acid‐induced water stress tolerance of pepper by upraising the AsA‐GSH pathway and glyoxalase system
C Kaya - Physiologia Plantarum, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
A trial was conducted to evaluate whether nitrate reductase (NR) participates in salicylic acid
(SA)‐improved water stress (WS) tolerance in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) plants. Before …
(SA)‐improved water stress (WS) tolerance in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) plants. Before …
Effects of drought and flooding on phytohormones and abscisic acid gene expression in kiwifruit
Environmental extremes, such as drought and flooding, are becoming more common with
global warming, resulting in significant crop losses. Understanding the mechanisms …
global warming, resulting in significant crop losses. Understanding the mechanisms …
[PDF][PDF] Role of anthocyanin and carotenoids in the adaptation of the photosynthetic apparatus of purple-and green-leaved cultivars of sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum) …
LA Stetsenko, PP Pashkovsky, RA Voloshin… - …, 2020 - academia.edu
Comparative studies of the adaptation of green-and purple-leaved Ocimum basilicum
varieties, which differ in carotenoid and anthocyanin contents, to high-intensity light have …
varieties, which differ in carotenoid and anthocyanin contents, to high-intensity light have …
Steviol glycoside content and essential oil profiles of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni in response to NaCl and polyethylene glycol as inducers of salinity and drought stress …
Plants under different environmental regimes exhibit phenotypic plasticity, sometimes
producing more secondary metabolites when microenvironmental conditions are …
producing more secondary metabolites when microenvironmental conditions are …
A comparative study on the effect of seed pre-sowing treatments with microwave radiation and salicylic acid in alleviating the drought-induced damage in wheat
This study was conducted to compare the potential of physical and chemical seed priming
with weak microwave radiation (MR) and salicylic acid (SA), respectively, on enhancing …
with weak microwave radiation (MR) and salicylic acid (SA), respectively, on enhancing …
[PDF][PDF] Morphophysiological responses of Crambe abyssinica Hochst. lineages submitted to water deficit during flowering
Abbreviations: ABS/RC–absorption flux per RC; Chl–chlorophyll; CI–continuously irrigated
plants; DI0/RC–dissipated energy flux per RC; ET0/RC–electron transport flux per RC; F0 …
plants; DI0/RC–dissipated energy flux per RC; ET0/RC–electron transport flux per RC; F0 …
Recursos fitogenéticos nativos de la región de La Mojana: una poderosa estrategia de resiliencia de los pequeños productores para mejorar la productividad ante los …
Las altas temperaturas, precipitaciones inesperadas, sequías e inundaciones prolongadas,
junto con otros factores derivados de la variabilidad climática, generan un gran riesgo en la …
junto con otros factores derivados de la variabilidad climática, generan un gran riesgo en la …
The decline of Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl in a Mediterranean salt meadow: Chlorophyll fluorescence measurements in long-term field experiment
The ecological transition zones also known as ecotones are specific ecosystems but how
global change will affect their biodiversity and functioning is poorly understood. In the case …
global change will affect their biodiversity and functioning is poorly understood. In the case …