Mesoscopic physics of nanomechanical systems
Nanomechanics has brought mesoscopic physics into the world of vibrations. Because
nanomechanical systems are small, fluctuations are significant, the vibrations already …
nanomechanical systems are small, fluctuations are significant, the vibrations already …
Nanoparticle characterization: what to measure?
What to measure? is a key question in nanoscience, and it is not straightforward to address
as different physicochemical properties define a nanoparticle sample. Most prominent …
as different physicochemical properties define a nanoparticle sample. Most prominent …
Progress in semiconductor diamond photodetectors and MEMS sensors
M Liao - Functional Diamond, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Diamond with an ultra-wide bandgap shows intrinsic performance that is extraordinarily
superior to those of the currently available wide-bandgap semiconductors for deep …
superior to those of the currently available wide-bandgap semiconductors for deep …
Resolving heterogeneous macromolecular assemblies by Orbitrap-based single-particle charge detection mass spectrometry
We demonstrate single-particle charge detection mass spectrometry on an Orbitrap for the
analysis of megadalton biomolecular assemblies. We establish that the signal amplitudes of …
analysis of megadalton biomolecular assemblies. We establish that the signal amplitudes of …
A review of piezoelectric MEMS sensors and actuators for gas detection application
Piezoelectric microelectromechanical system (piezo-MEMS)-based mass sensors including
the piezoelectric microcantilevers, surface acoustic waves (SAW), quartz crystal …
the piezoelectric microcantilevers, surface acoustic waves (SAW), quartz crystal …
Editors' choice—critical review—a critical review of solid state gas sensors
Solid state gas sensors are a core enabling technology to a range of measurement
applications including industrial, safety, and environmental monitoring. The technology …
applications including industrial, safety, and environmental monitoring. The technology …
Linear and nonlinear dynamics of micro and nano-resonators: Review of recent advances
Micro and nanoelectromechanical systems M/NEMS have been extensively investigated
and exploited in the past few decades for various applications and for probing fundamental …
and exploited in the past few decades for various applications and for probing fundamental …
[HTML][HTML] Studying soft interfaces with shear waves: Principles and applications of the quartz crystal microbalance (QCM)
The response of the quartz crystal microbalance (QCM, also: QCM-D for “QCM with
Dissipation monitoring”) to loading with a diverse set of samples is reviewed in a consistent …
Dissipation monitoring”) to loading with a diverse set of samples is reviewed in a consistent …
Optomechanical mass spectrometry
Nanomechanical mass spectrometry has proven to be well suited for the analysis of high
mass species such as viruses. Still, the use of one-dimensional devices such as vibrating …
mass species such as viruses. Still, the use of one-dimensional devices such as vibrating …
Neutral mass spectrometry of virus capsids above 100 megadaltons with nanomechanical resonators
Measurement of the mass of particles in the mega-to gigadalton range is challenging with
conventional mass spectrometry. Although this mass range appears optimal for …
conventional mass spectrometry. Although this mass range appears optimal for …