Epistemic injustice and hegemonic ordeal in management and organization studies: Advancing Black scholarship
P Muzanenhamo, R Chowdhury - Human Relations, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
Why do the majority of (White) academics within management and organization studies
(MOS) endorse discourses of equality, diversity and inclusion on the one hand yet ignore the …
(MOS) endorse discourses of equality, diversity and inclusion on the one hand yet ignore the …
From black pain to Rhodes must fall: A rejectionist perspective
R Chowdhury - Journal of Business Ethics, 2021 - Springer
Based on my study of the Rhodes Must Fall movement, I develop a rejectionist perspective
by identifying the understanding and mobilization of epistemic disobedience as the core …
by identifying the understanding and mobilization of epistemic disobedience as the core …
Playing the game: Unpacking the rationale for organizational corruption in MNCs
S Zyglidopoulos, M Dieleman… - Journal of Management …, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
What conditions must be present for multinational companies (MNCs) to benefit from
corruption? We argue that corrupt acts by organizations can be profitable if four conditions …
corruption? We argue that corrupt acts by organizations can be profitable if four conditions …
Борьба с коррупцией в странах англосаксонской традиции (на примере Великобритании, Индии, Сингапура и США)
АП Страхов - Вестник Российского университета дружбы …, 2019 - cyberleninka.ru
В статье рассматривается опыт борьбы с коррупцией в Великобритании, Индии,
Сингапуре и США. Эти страны, несмотря на все различия, имеют общую черту …
Сингапуре и США. Эти страны, несмотря на все различия, имеют общую черту …
Противодействие коррупции в Республике Индия: опыт и основные тенденции
ПН Кобец - Международное публичное и частное право, 2022 - elibrary.ru
В настоящей работе изложены результаты проведенного исследования, которое
посвящено вопросам противодействия коррупционным проявлениям в Индии. Основой …
посвящено вопросам противодействия коррупционным проявлениям в Индии. Основой …
Digital Politics in the Diaspora: UK Aam Aadmi Party supporters online and offline
M Webb - Television & New Media, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
In 2012, the Aam Aadmi (common man) Party (AAP) made its debut on the Indian political
scene on a platform promoting ethical politics, anticorruption action and active citizenship …
scene on a platform promoting ethical politics, anticorruption action and active citizenship …
Conceptualization of community-based entrepreneurship: A case study of Ecofiltro in Guatemala
A Figueredo, R Chowdhury - European Association of Work and …, 2019 - eprints.soton.ac.uk
Workplace innovation and community-based entrepreneurship (CBE) constitute a powerful
combination which, if leveraged, could potentially solve society's most pressing problems …
combination which, if leveraged, could potentially solve society's most pressing problems …
[HTML][HTML] Современные правовые основы борьбы с коррупцией в Индии
ПН Кобец, ДА Бражников, АА Брюхнов - Юристъ-Правоведъ, 2022 - cyberleninka.ru
В настоящем исследовании авторский коллектив изложил проблематику, связанную со
становлением современных законодательных основ по борьбе с коррупцией в Индии …
становлением современных законодательных основ по борьбе с коррупцией в Индии …
The green march movement: Fighting political corruption in the Dominican Republic
JA Rodriguez - 2018 - scholarworks.waldenu.edu
Social movements have increased as a way of supporting groups in their protests. This study
addressed what factors led to the mobilization of the Green March movement in its fight …
addressed what factors led to the mobilization of the Green March movement in its fight …
Combating Corruption in the Countries of Anglo-Saxon Tradition (Using Examples of Great Britain, India, Singapore and the USA)
AP Strakhov - RUDN Journal of Political Science, 2019 - journals.rudn.ru
The article examines the experience of combating corruption in Great Britain, India,
Singapore and the US. Despite all the differences, these countries have a common trait that …
Singapore and the US. Despite all the differences, these countries have a common trait that …