Characterizing geomorphological change to support sustainable river restoration and management

RC Grabowski, N Surian… - Wiley Interdisciplinary …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
The hydrology and geomorphology of most rivers has been fundamentally altered through a
long history of human interventions including modification of river channels, floodplains, and …

Los efectos geoecológicos del cambio global en el Pirineo Central español: una revisión a distintas escalas espaciales y temporales

[ES] Se revisan los efectos de la evolución del clima y los cambios de uso del suelo/cubierta
vegetal en el Pirineo Central español a diferentes escalas espaciales y temporales. Los …

Channel adjustments and vegetation cover dynamics in a large gravel bed river over the last 200 years

F Comiti, M Da Canal, N Surian, L Mao, L Picco… - Geomorphology, 2011 - Elsevier
The timing and extent of the morphological changes that occurred in the last 200years in a
large gravel bed river (the Piave River, eastern Italian Alps) that was heavily impacted by …

Channel adjustments and alteration of sediment fluxes in gravel‐bed rivers of North‐Eastern Italy: potentials and limitations for channel recovery

N Surian, L Ziliani, F Comiti, MA Lenzi… - River research and …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
The aim of this paper is to explore possibilities and limitations of restoring physical
processes in five gravel‐bed rivers (Brenta, Piave, Cellina, Tagliamento and Torre Rivers) in …

Multi-thread river channels: a perspective on changing European alpine river systems

A Gurnell, N Surian, L Zanoni - Aquatic Sciences, 2009 - Springer
Rivers are natural systems whose planform pattern in alluvial reaches reflects a balance
between three fundamental ingredients: flow energy, sediment calibre and supply, and …

Adjustments in channel morphology due to land‐use changes and check dam installation in mountain torrents of Calabria (southern Italy)

D Fortugno, C Boix‐Fayos, G Bombino… - Earth Surface …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
In Mediterranean semi‐arid conditions, the availability of studies monitoring channel
adjustments as a response to reforestation and check dams over representative observation …

Remote measurement of river morphology via fusion of LiDAR topography and spectrally based bathymetry

CJ Legleiter - Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
This study developed and evaluated a hybrid approach to remote measurement of river
morphology that combines LiDAR topography with spectrally based bathymetry …

Morphological changes of Gumara River channel over 50 years, upper Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia

M Abate, J Nyssen, TS Steenhuis, MM Moges… - Journal of …, 2015 - Elsevier
In response to anthropogenic disturbances, alluvial rivers adjust their geometry. The alluvial
river channels in the upper Blue Nile basin have been disturbed by human-induced factors …

What remains today of pre‐industrial Alpine rivers? Census of historical and current channel patterns in the Alps

S Hohensinner, G Egger, S Muhar… - River Research and …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
To date, no survey on the diverse channel patterns existing prior to the major phase of river
regulation in the mid‐19th–early 20th century has been elaborated at the scale of the whole …

Is afforestation a driver of change in Italian rivers within the Anthropocene era?

V Scorpio, H Piégay - Catena, 2021 - Elsevier
For eight rivers situated from northern to southern Italy, the evolutionary trajectories since the
middle 19th century and the key controlling factors of channel adjustments were …