Bound state solutions to the Schrödinger equation for some diatomic molecules
R Rani, SB Bhardwaj, F Chand - Pramana, 2018 - Springer
The bound state solutions to the radial Schrödinger equation are obtained in three-
dimensional space using the series expansion method within the framework of a general …
dimensional space using the series expansion method within the framework of a general …
The nonlinear optical rectification and second harmonic generation of a single electron confined in a multilayer spherical quantum dot
In the present paper, we have performed a theoretical investigation of the influence of the
Kratzer potential on the nonlinear optical rectification coefficient and the second harmonic …
Kratzer potential on the nonlinear optical rectification coefficient and the second harmonic …
Effect of magnetic field, size and donor position on the absorption coefficients related a donor within the core/shell/shell quantum dot
EB Al - Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2021 - Springer
In this study, linear, nonlinear and total optical absorption coefficients related a single
shallow donor atom confined in semiconductor core/shell/shell quantum dot heterostructure …
shallow donor atom confined in semiconductor core/shell/shell quantum dot heterostructure …
Shallow-donor impurity effects on the far infrared electron–electron optical absorption coefficient in single and core/shell spherical quantum dots with Konwent-like …
In this study, the electronic and optical properties of single or core/shell quantum dots, which
are formed depending on the parameters in the selected Konwent potential, are …
are formed depending on the parameters in the selected Konwent potential, are …
[HTML][HTML] Optical properties of cylindrical quantum dots with hyperbolic-type axial potential under applied electric field
In this paper, we have researched the electronic and optical properties of cylindrical
quantum dot structures by selecting four different hyperbolic-type potentials in the axial …
quantum dot structures by selecting four different hyperbolic-type potentials in the axial …
Binding energy and photoionization cross-section of hydrogen-like donor impurity in strongly oblate ellipsoidal quantum dot
DB Hayrapetyan, GL Ohanyan… - Physica E: Low …, 2018 - Elsevier
Hydrogen-like donor impurity states in strongly oblate ellipsoidal quantum dot have been
studied. The hydrogen-like donor impurity states are investigated within the framework of …
studied. The hydrogen-like donor impurity states are investigated within the framework of …
Effect of hydrostatic pressure on diamagnetic susceptibility of hydrogenic donor impurity in core/shell/shell spherical quantum dot with Kratzer confining potential
DB Hayrapetyan, SM Amirkhanyan… - Physica E: Low …, 2016 - Elsevier
The effect of the hydrostatic pressure on diamagnetic susceptibility of on-center hydrogenic
donor impurity in G a 1− x 1 A lx 1 A s/G a A s/G a 1− x 2 A lx 2 A s core/shell/shell structure …
donor impurity in G a 1− x 1 A lx 1 A s/G a A s/G a 1− x 2 A lx 2 A s core/shell/shell structure …
[HTML][HTML] Realization of the Kohn's theorem in Ge/Si quantum dots with hole gas: Theory and experiment
This article discusses specific quantum transitions in a few-particle hole gas, localized in a
strongly oblate lens-shaped quantum dot. Based on the adiabatic method, the possibility of …
strongly oblate lens-shaped quantum dot. Based on the adiabatic method, the possibility of …
Impurity effects on binding energy, diamagnetic susceptibility and photoionization cross-section of chalcopyrite AgInSe2 nanotadpole
Recently the interest in chalcopyrite semiconductor nanostructures has increased because
of their non-toxicity and their wide direct bandgap. Likewise, structures with non-trivial …
of their non-toxicity and their wide direct bandgap. Likewise, structures with non-trivial …
[HTML][HTML] Exciton-related Raman scattering, interband absorption and photoluminescence in colloidal CdSe/CdS core/shell quantum dots ensemble
By using the numerical discretization method within the effective-mass approximation, we
have theoretically investigated the exciton-related Raman scattering, interband absorption …
have theoretically investigated the exciton-related Raman scattering, interband absorption …