Systems, environment and methods for identification and analysis of recurring transitory physiological states and events using a portable data collection device

NT Sahin - US Patent 9,936,916, 2018‏ - Google Patents
In one aspect, the systems, environment, and methods described herein support anticipation
and identification of adverse health events and/or atypical behavioral episodes such as …

Systems and methods for video capture, user feedback, reporting, adaptive parameters, and remote data access in vehicle safety monitoring

JM Gompert, C Ashmore, WE DURIE… - US Patent …, 2015‏ - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method for vehicle data management according to embodi ments of the
present invention includes receiving an acceler ometer signal from an accelerometer …

Vehicle safety and driver condition monitoring, and geographic information based road safety systems

WE Durie Jr, J Gorham, AD Funk, S Alamy… - US Patent …, 2018‏ - Google Patents
Embodiments of the present disclosure include vehicle safety monitoring, and more
particularly monitoring a con dition of an operator of a vehicle. According to some …

Audio analysis learning using video data

T Mishra, R El Kaliouby - US Patent 10,204,625, 2019‏ - Google Patents
Audio analysis learning is performed using video data. Video data is obtained, on a first
computing device, wherein the video data includes images of one or more people. Audio …

Systems and methods for using mobile and wearable video capture and feedback plat-forms for therapy of mental disorders

C Voss, NJ Haber, DP Wall, AS Kline… - US Patent …, 2020‏ - Google Patents
Behavioral and mental health therapy systems in accordance with several embodiments of
the invention include a wear able camera and/or a variety of sensors (accelerometer …

Systems, environment and methods for evaluation and management of autism spectrum disorder using a wearable data collection device

NT Sahin - US Patent 10,405,786, 2019‏ - Google Patents
The systems, environment, and methods, described herein support evaluation of an
individual for ASD while in the home environment. Through data collected by a wearable …

User-defined gesture set for surface computing

MJ Morris, JO Wobbrock, AD Wilson - US Patent App. 12/185,166, 2010‏ - Google Patents
BACKGROUND 0002 Computing devices are increasing in technological ability wherein
such devices can provide a plurality of func tionality within a limited device-space …

Computerized machine learning of interesting video sections

N Suri, XS Hua, TJ Wang, WD Sproule… - US Patent …, 2017‏ - Google Patents
This disclosure describes techniques for training models from video data and applying the
learned models to identify desirable video data. Video data may be labeled to indicate a …

Avatar image animation using translation vectors

T Mishra, GA Reichenbach, R El Kaliouby - US Patent 10,628,985, 2020‏ - Google Patents
Techniques are described for image generation for avatar image animation using translation
vectors. An avatar image is obtained for representation on a first computing device. An …

User-defined gesture set for surface computing

MJ Morris, JO Wobbrock, AD Wilson - US Patent App. 12/490,335, 2010‏ - Google Patents
The claimed Subject matter provides a system and/or a method that facilitates generating an
intuitive set of gestures for employment with Surface computing. A gesture set creator can …