A review of multiracial malleability: Identity, categorization, and shifting racial attitudes
The majority of social perception research to date has focused on perceptually obvious and
prototypical representations of social categories. However, not all people belong to social …
prototypical representations of social categories. However, not all people belong to social …
The multiplicity of belonging: Pushing identity research beyond binary thinking
SE Gaither - Emerging perspectives on self and identity, 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
To date, research has primarily used a singular identity framework for investigating how
social identity shapes behavior. Thus, research has also largely ignored the role that having …
social identity shapes behavior. Thus, research has also largely ignored the role that having …
Contraction as a response to group threat: Demographic decline and Whites' classification of people who are ambiguously White
M Abascal - American Sociological Review, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
How do members of dominant groups, like White people in the United States, react when
their privileged social status is threatened, for example, by the prospect of numeric decline …
their privileged social status is threatened, for example, by the prospect of numeric decline …
Identity denied: Comparing American or White identity denial and psychological health outcomes among bicultural and biracial people
Because bicultural and biracial people have two identities within one social domain (culture
or race), their identification is often challenged by others. Although it is established that …
or race), their identification is often challenged by others. Although it is established that …
“You're one of us”: Black Americans' use of hypodescent and its association with egalitarianism.
Research on multiracial categorization has focused on majority group social perceivers (ie,
White Americans), demonstrating that they (a) typically categorize Black–White multiracials …
White Americans), demonstrating that they (a) typically categorize Black–White multiracials …
Broadening the stimulus set: Introducing the American multiracial faces database
Face-based perceptions form the basis for how people behave towards each other and,
hence, are central to understanding human interaction. Studying face perception requires a …
hence, are central to understanding human interaction. Studying face perception requires a …
Not quite monoracial: Biracial stereotypes explored
Stereotypes often guide our perceptions of members of social groups. However, research
has yet to document what stereotypes may exist for the fastest growing youth demographic …
has yet to document what stereotypes may exist for the fastest growing youth demographic …
A meta-analytic review of hypodescent patterns in categorizing multiracial and racially ambiguous targets
Research addressing the increasing multiracial population (ie, identifying with two or more
races) is rapidly expanding. This meta-analysis (k= 55) examines categorization patterns …
races) is rapidly expanding. This meta-analysis (k= 55) examines categorization patterns …
The threat of a majority-minority US alters white Americans' perception of race
Racial minorities will soon outnumber white Americans in the US Prior research suggests
that this demographic shift is likely to increase white peoples' feelings of threat and anti …
that this demographic shift is likely to increase white peoples' feelings of threat and anti …
Black+ White= Not White: A minority bias in categorizations of Black-White multiracials
The present research sought to provide new insights on the principles guiding the
categorization of Black-White multiracial faces at a first encounter. Previous studies have …
categorization of Black-White multiracial faces at a first encounter. Previous studies have …