Comment on “Statistical symmetries of the Lundgren-Monin-Novikov hierarchy”

M Frewer, G Khujadze, H Foysi - Physical Review E, 2015 - APS
The article by M. Wacławczyk et al.[Phys. Rev. E 90, 013022 (2014) PLEEE8 1539-3755
10.1103/PhysRevE. 90.013022] proposes two new statistical symmetries in the classical …

Revisiting the Lie-group symmetry method for turbulent channel flow with wall transpiration

G Khujadze, M Frewer - arxiv preprint arxiv:1606.08396, 2016 -
The Lie-group-based symmetry analysis, as first proposed in Avsarkisov et al.(2014) and
then later modified in Oberlack et al.(2015), to generate invariant solutions in order to predict …

Dynamical stability of the weakly nonharmonic propeller-shaped planar Brownian rotator

I Petrović, J Jeknić-Dugić, M Arsenijević, M Dugić - Physical Review E, 2020 - APS
Dynamical stability is a prerequisite for control and functioning of desired nanomachines.
We utilize the Caldeira-Leggett master equation to investigate dynamical stability of …

On the use of applying Lie-group symmetry analysis to turbulent channel flow with streamwise rotation

M Frewer, G Khujadze - arxiv preprint arxiv:1609.08155, 2016 -
The study by Oberlack et al.(2006) consists of two main parts: a direct numerical simulation
(DNS) of a turbulent plane channel flow with streamwise rotation and a preceding Lie-group …

Covariance and objectivity in mechanics and turbulence

M Frewer - arxiv preprint arxiv:1611.07002, 2016 -
Form-invariance (covariance) and frame-indifference (objectivity) are two notions in classical
continuum mechanics which have attracted much attention and controversy over the past …