A review of the literature relating to rape victim blaming: An analysis of the impact of observer and victim characteristics on attribution of blame in rape cases
M Van der Bruggen, A Grubb - Aggression and violent behavior, 2014 - Elsevier
Historically, many studies have examined rape victim blaming among various observers,
using a vignette methodology in which victim characteristics were manipulated. However, a …
using a vignette methodology in which victim characteristics were manipulated. However, a …
Reimagining the study of campus sexual assault
To work toward the effective eradication of campus sexual assault (CSA), it is imperative that
scholars, practitioners, and policymakers gain a better understanding of what is known, via …
scholars, practitioners, and policymakers gain a better understanding of what is known, via …
Man up and take it: Gender bias in moral typecasting
Informed by moral typecasting theory, we predicted a gender bias in harm evaluation, such
that women are more easily categorized as victims and men as perpetrators. Study 1 …
that women are more easily categorized as victims and men as perpetrators. Study 1 …
The blameworthy victim: Domestic violence myths and the criminalization of victimhood
Prior research shows that individual perceptions of victims play an integral role in the
societal response to domestic violence, as well as victims' responses to their own …
societal response to domestic violence, as well as victims' responses to their own …
Men's perceptions of an acquaintance rape: The role of relationship length, victim resistance, and gender role attitudes
DJ Angelone, D Mitchell… - Journal of interpersonal …, 2015 - journals.sagepub.com
Sexual aggression is a persistent and prevalent issue in the United States, which often
results in a number of psychological, emotional, and physical consequences for victims. The …
results in a number of psychological, emotional, and physical consequences for victims. The …
“Kind of natural, kind of wrong”: Young people's beliefs about the morality, legality, and normalcy of sexual aggression in public drinking settings
Unwelcome touching, gro**, and kissing are illegal, but widely tolerated in public drinking
settings. This contingency in the law's response means that patrons routinely negotiate the …
settings. This contingency in the law's response means that patrons routinely negotiate the …
Predicting perceptions of date rape: An examination of perpetrator motivation, relationship length, and gender role beliefs
DJ Angelone, D Mitchell… - Journal of interpersonal …, 2012 - journals.sagepub.com
The purpose of the current study is to examine the influence of multiple offender motivations
(including no indication of a motivation), relationship length, and gender role beliefs on …
(including no indication of a motivation), relationship length, and gender role beliefs on …
Attribution of blame to gender violence victims: A literature review of antecedents, consequences and measures of victim blame
The term «victim blame» refers to people's tendency to consider the victim of an aggressive
and/or sexual attack at least partially responsible for being victimized (Kent, 2003). The first …
and/or sexual attack at least partially responsible for being victimized (Kent, 2003). The first …
Consent, wantedness, and pleasure: Three dimensions affecting the perceived stress of and judgements of rape in sexual encounters.
PJ Hills, E Seib, M Pleva, J Smythe… - Journal of …, 2020 - psycnet.apa.org
Participants conflate consent and wantedness when judging situations as rape (Peterson &
Muehlenhard, 2007). Pleasure might also affect how such situations might be appraised by …
Muehlenhard, 2007). Pleasure might also affect how such situations might be appraised by …
Rape crimes reviewed: The role of observer variables in female victim blaming
MC Ferrão, G Gonçalves - Psychological Thought, 2015 - psyct.swu.bg
This article presents an overview of empirical research on the role of observer variables in
rape victim blaming (female attacked by a male perpetrator). The focus is on literature from …
rape victim blaming (female attacked by a male perpetrator). The focus is on literature from …