Flat-band hybridization between f and d states near the Fermi energy of SmCoIn5
We present high-quality angle-resolved photoemission (ARPES) and density functional
theory calculations (DFT+ U) of SmCoIn5. We find broad agreement with previously …
theory calculations (DFT+ U) of SmCoIn5. We find broad agreement with previously …
Non-Fermi-liquid types of behavior associated with a magnetic quantum critical point in single crystals
The compound SrCo 2 As 2 with the body-centered tetragonal ThCr 2 Si 2 structure is known
to remain paramagnetic down to a temperature T= 0.05 K, but inelastic neutron scattering …
to remain paramagnetic down to a temperature T= 0.05 K, but inelastic neutron scattering …
Flat band induced quantum criticality in a nonsuperconducting iron pnictide
Flat electronic bands at the Fermi energy (EF) can induce interaction-driven instabilities and
further result in the emergence of a plethora of new quantum phases such as Mott insulators …
further result in the emergence of a plethora of new quantum phases such as Mott insulators …
Helical magnetic ordering in
SrCo 2 As 2 is a peculiar itinerant magnetic system that does not order magnetically, but
inelastic neutron-scattering experiments observe the same stripe-type antiferromagnetic …
inelastic neutron-scattering experiments observe the same stripe-type antiferromagnetic …
Weak itinerant magnetic phases of
La 2 Ni 7 is an intermetallic compound that is thought to have itinerant magnetism with small
moment (∼ 0.15 μ B/Ni) ordering below 65 K. A recent study of single crystal samples by …
moment (∼ 0.15 μ B/Ni) ordering below 65 K. A recent study of single crystal samples by …
Ferromagnetic cluster-glass phase in crystals
Single crystals of Ca (Co 1− x Ir x) 2− y As 2 with 0≤ x≤ 0.35 and 0.10≤ y≤ 0.14 have
been grown using the self-flux technique and characterized by single-crystal x-ray diffraction …
been grown using the self-flux technique and characterized by single-crystal x-ray diffraction …
Flat-band-induced itinerant ferromagnetism in
A Co 2 Se 2 (A= K, Rb, Cs) is a homologue of the iron-based superconductor A Fe 2 Se 2.
From a comprehensive study of RbCo 2 Se 2 via measurements of magnetization, transport …
From a comprehensive study of RbCo 2 Se 2 via measurements of magnetization, transport …
Non-Fermi-liquid behavior and saddlelike flat band in the layered ferromagnet
AlFe 2 B 2, a layered ferromagnet with a Curie temperature near room temperature (T c∼
270 K), has attracted growing attention recently in condensed-matter physics and materials …
270 K), has attracted growing attention recently in condensed-matter physics and materials …
Europium -axis ferromagnetism in : A single-crystal neutron diffraction study
We report neutron diffraction results for the body-centered-tetragonal series Eu (Co 1− x Ni
x) 2− y As 2, x= 0.10, 0.20, 0.42, and 0.82, y≤ 0.10, that detail changes to the magnetic …
x) 2− y As 2, x= 0.10, 0.20, 0.42, and 0.82, y≤ 0.10, that detail changes to the magnetic …
Topological Hall effect and magnetic states in the Nowotny chimney ladder compound
We have investigated the magnetic and charge transport properties of single crystals of the
Nowotny chimney ladder compound Cr 11 Ge 19 and mapped out a comprehensive phase …
Nowotny chimney ladder compound Cr 11 Ge 19 and mapped out a comprehensive phase …