[HTML][HTML] The impact of safety climate on human-technology interaction and sustainable development: Evidence from Indonesian oil and gas industry
This study investigates the intricate dynamics of human-technology interaction in the context
of safety within the Indonesian oil and gas industry, specifically focusing on the integration of …
of safety within the Indonesian oil and gas industry, specifically focusing on the integration of …
The lean gap: A review of lean approaches to large-scale software systems development
Lean approaches to product development (LPD) have had a strong influence on many
industries and in recent years there have been many proponents for lean in software …
industries and in recent years there have been many proponents for lean in software …
Roadmap** for technology push and partnership: A contribution for open innovation environments
There are several tools in the literature that support innovation in organizations. Some of the
most cited are the so-called technology roadmap** methods, also known as TRM …
most cited are the so-called technology roadmap** methods, also known as TRM …
Stage gate decision making: A sco** review of technology strategic selection criteria for early-stage projects
Innovation is a hybrid concept that has evolved over time and adapts itself to changing
condition. It plays a major role in the growth and economic competitiveness of firms, and …
condition. It plays a major role in the growth and economic competitiveness of firms, and …
[HTML][HTML] Interactive research framework in logistics and supply chain management: Bridging the academic research and practitioner gap
Logistics and supply chain management (SCM) practice has grown in scope and complexity
in recent years. A challenge for research in logistics and SCM is to create value for both …
in recent years. A challenge for research in logistics and SCM is to create value for both …
Managing uncertain, complex product development in high‐tech firms: in search of controlled flexibility
This paper investigates ways of managing complexity and uncertainty in R&D
simultaneously. Previous research on the subject indicates that these dimensions require …
simultaneously. Previous research on the subject indicates that these dimensions require …
Integrated portfolio planning of products and production systems
Purpose–The purpose of the research presented is to analyse and discuss critical
challenges related to the development of a production system portfolio …
challenges related to the development of a production system portfolio …
A study investigating challenges in the interface between product development and manufacturing in the development of software-intensive automotive systems
The automotive industry is facing a tremendous growth in the engineering of software-
intensive systems, giving rise to various challenges. To prevent problems related to the fit of …
intensive systems, giving rise to various challenges. To prevent problems related to the fit of …
Interface challenges and managerial issues in the industrial innovation process
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive overview of challenges
related to interfaces in industrial innovation processes, together with suggestions on how …
related to interfaces in industrial innovation processes, together with suggestions on how …
The learning potential of boundary crossing in the context of product introduction
The aim is to explore challenges related to the integration between product development
and production in product introduction and, given these challenges, to analyse the learning …
and production in product introduction and, given these challenges, to analyse the learning …