[HTML][HTML] The threat of invasive species to IUCN-listed critically endangered species: A systematic review

MA Duenas, DJ Hemming, A Roberts… - Global Ecology and …, 2021 - Elsevier
We conducted a comprehensive review of the research literature on interactions between
invasive species and species included in the critically endangered category of the …

Island biodiversity in the Anthropocene

JC Russell, C Kueffer - Annual Review of Environment and …, 2019 - annualreviews.org
Biodiversity on marine islands is characterized by unique biogeographic, phylogenetic and
functional characteristics. Islands hold a disproportionate amount of the world's biodiversity …

Projecting the continental accumulation of alien species through to 2050

H Seebens, S Bacher, TM Blackburn… - Global change …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Biological invasions have steadily increased over recent centuries. However, we still lack a
clear expectation about future trends in alien species numbers. In particular, we do not know …

Alien versus native species as drivers of recent extinctions

TM Blackburn, C Bellard… - Frontiers in Ecology and …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Native plants and animals can rapidly become superabundant and dominate ecosystems,
leading to claims that native species are no less likely than alien species to cause …

IPBES Invasive Alien Species Assessment: Chapter 1. Introducing biological invasions and the IPBES thematic assessment of invasive alien species and their control

HE Roy, A Pauchard, P Stoett, TR Truong, T Lipinskaya… - 2023 - digitalcommons.uri.edu
Chapter 1: Introducing biological invasions and the IPBES thematic assessment of invasive
alien species and their control of the Thematic Assessment Report on Invasive Alien …

The global contribution of invasive vertebrate eradication as a key island restoration tool

DR Spatz, ND Holmes, DJ Will, S Hein, ZT Carter… - Scientific Reports, 2022 - nature.com
Islands are global hotspots for biodiversity and extinction, representing~ 5% of Earth's land
area alongside 40% of globally threatened vertebrates and 61% of global extinctions since …

Preventing and controlling nonnative species invasions to bend the curve of global freshwater biodiversity loss

JR Britton, AJ Lynch, H Bardal… - Environmental …, 2023 - cdnsciencepub.com
The Emergency Recovery Plan for freshwater biodiversity recognizes that addressing
nonnative species is one of six principal actions needed to bend the curve in freshwater …

Future directions in conservation research on petrels and shearwaters

A Rodríguez, JM Arcos, V Bretagnolle… - Frontiers in Marine …, 2019 - frontiersin.org
Shearwaters and petrels (hereafter petrels) are highly adapted seabirds that occur across all
the world's oceans. Petrels are a threatened seabird group comprising 124 species. They …

Globally important islands where eradicating invasive mammals will benefit highly threatened vertebrates

ND Holmes, DR Spatz, S Oppel, B Tershy, DA Croll… - PLoS …, 2019 - journals.plos.org
Invasive alien species are a major threat to native insular species. Eradicating invasive
mammals from islands is a feasible and proven approach to prevent biodiversity loss. We …

The Invasive Mechanisms of the Noxious Alien Plant Species Bidens pilosa

H Kato-Noguchi, D Kurniadie - Plants, 2024 - mdpi.com
Bidens pilosa L. is native to tropical America and has widely naturized from tropical to warm
temperate regions in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and North and South America. The …