Drivers, challenges, and emerging technologies for desalination of high-salinity brines: A critical review
Hypersaline brines are of growing environmental concern. While high-salinity desalination
and zero liquid discharge (ZLD) are increasingly attractive treatment options, the high salt …
and zero liquid discharge (ZLD) are increasingly attractive treatment options, the high salt …
Emerging desalination technologies: Current status, challenges and future trends
Emerging technologies present many new possibilities for diversifying the desalination
industry, which is currently dominated by thermal desalination, and reverse osmosis. In this …
industry, which is currently dominated by thermal desalination, and reverse osmosis. In this …
The global status of desalination: An assessment of current desalination technologies, plants and capacity
This work explores the existing desalination data of over 6 decades (from 1960s to year
2020) to provide an in-depth assessment, via statistical analysis, of the global spread of …
2020) to provide an in-depth assessment, via statistical analysis, of the global spread of …
Efficient removal of dyes, heavy metals and oil-water from wastewater using electrospun nanofiber membranes: A review
Freshwater shortage has become a serious issue in today's world due to rapid population
expansion. Large amounts of hazardous chemicals were released into waterbodies as a …
expansion. Large amounts of hazardous chemicals were released into waterbodies as a …
Hybrid technologies: The future of energy efficient desalination–A review
Further reduction in energy consumption is an attractive prospect for both well-established
technologies such as reverse osmosis and electrodialysis, and for emerging desalination …
technologies such as reverse osmosis and electrodialysis, and for emerging desalination …
Renewable energy integration in water desalination: State-of-the-art review and comparative analysis
This paper offers a comprehensive overview of advanced water desalination systems
powered by renewable energy sources, specifically focusing on developments in the past …
powered by renewable energy sources, specifically focusing on developments in the past …
Optimisation of renewable energy powered reverse osmosis desalination systems: A state-of-the-art review
Reverse osmosis (RO) desalination has become a prominent desalination method for fresh-
water production from either saline seawater or brackish water to meet the ever-growing …
water production from either saline seawater or brackish water to meet the ever-growing …
Recent advances in graphene-based nano-membranes for desalination
The demand for desalination is steadily rising due to dwindling fresh water sources and the
abundant saline water in our oceans. Among the various techniques available, membrane …
abundant saline water in our oceans. Among the various techniques available, membrane …
Desalination by the forward osmosis: Advancement and challenges
Forward osmosis (FO) has become a promising membrane technology for desalination and
water treatment due to its simplicity, low energy consumption, and low fouling tendency …
water treatment due to its simplicity, low energy consumption, and low fouling tendency …
Forward osmosis technology for water treatment: Recent advances and future perspectives
J Wang, X Liu - Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021 - Elsevier
Forward osmosis is an emerging osmosis-driven membrane process, which has benefits of
low energy consumption, low operational pressure, easy equipment, and low fouling. This …
low energy consumption, low operational pressure, easy equipment, and low fouling. This …