[ספר][B] Semantic similarity from natural language and ontology analysis
Artificial Intelligence federates numerous scientific fields in the aim of develo** machines
able to assist human operators performing complex treatments---most of which demand high …
able to assist human operators performing complex treatments---most of which demand high …
Revisiting software ecosystems research: A longitudinal literature study
Abstract 'Software ecosystems' is argued to first appear as a concept more than 10 years
ago and software ecosystem research started to take off in 2010. We conduct a systematic …
ago and software ecosystem research started to take off in 2010. We conduct a systematic …
Pumice: A multi-modal agent that learns concepts and conditionals from natural language and demonstrations
Natural language programming is a promising approach to enable end users to instruct new
tasks for intelligent agents. However, our formative study found that end users would often …
tasks for intelligent agents. However, our formative study found that end users would often …
Learning analytics to support teachers' assessment of problem solving: A novel application for machine learning and graph algorithms
In contrast to well-structured problems which have pre-defined, correct answers, complex
real-world problems are often ill-structured problems (ISPs). The open-ended nature of ISPs …
real-world problems are often ill-structured problems (ISPs). The open-ended nature of ISPs …
Measuring global disease with Wikipedia: Success, failure, and a research agenda
Effective disease monitoring provides a foundation for effective public health systems. This
has historically been accomplished with patient contact and bureaucratic aggregation, which …
has historically been accomplished with patient contact and bureaucratic aggregation, which …
A survey of semantic relatedness evaluation datasets and procedures
Semantic relatedness between words is a core concept in natural language processing.
While countless approaches have been proposed, measuring which one works best is still a …
While countless approaches have been proposed, measuring which one works best is still a …
Not at home on the range: Peer production and the urban/rural divide
Wikipedia articles about places, OpenStreetMap features, and other forms of peer-produced
content have become critical sources of geographic knowledge for humans and intelligent …
content have become critical sources of geographic knowledge for humans and intelligent …
The effect of population and" structural" biases on social media-based algorithms: A case study in geolocation inference across the urban-rural spectrum
Much research has shown that social media platforms have substantial population biases.
However, very little is known about how these population biases affect the many algorithms …
However, very little is known about how these population biases affect the many algorithms …
Appinite: A multi-modal interface for specifying data descriptions in programming by demonstration using natural language instructions
A key challenge for generalizing programming-by-demonstration (PBD) scripts is the data
description problem-when a user demonstrates performing an action, the system needs to …
description problem-when a user demonstrates performing an action, the system needs to …
Send me a different message: utilizing cognitive space to create engaging message triggers
Social systems and applications often rely on message triggers to promote, remind and even
persuade people to perform certain actions. However, repeated exposure to these triggers …
persuade people to perform certain actions. However, repeated exposure to these triggers …