Principal component analysis: A natural approach to data exploration
Principal component analysis (PCA) is often applied for analyzing data in the most diverse
areas. This work reports, in an accessible and integrated manner, several theoretical and …
areas. This work reports, in an accessible and integrated manner, several theoretical and …
[КНИГА][B] Principal component analysis for special types of data
IT Jolliffe - 2002 - Springer
The viewpoint taken in much of this text is that PCA is mainly a descriptive tool with no need
for rigorous distributional or model assumptions. This implies that it can be used on a wide …
for rigorous distributional or model assumptions. This implies that it can be used on a wide …
Inflamm-aging does not simply reflect increases in pro-inflammatory markers
V Morrisette-Thomas, AA Cohen, T Fülöp… - Mechanisms of ageing …, 2014 - Elsevier
Many biodemographic studies use biomarkers of inflammation to understand or predict
chronic disease and aging. Inflamm-aging, ie chronic low-grade inflammation during aging …
chronic disease and aging. Inflamm-aging, ie chronic low-grade inflammation during aging …
Multivariate allometry
CP Klingenberg - Advances in morphometrics, 1996 - Springer
The subject of allometry is variation in morphometric variables or other features of organisms
associated with variation in size. Such variation can be produced by several biological …
associated with variation in size. Such variation can be produced by several biological …
Methodological issues in determining the dimensionality of composite health measures using principal component analysis: case illustration and suggestions for …
During the early steps of the construction of composite health measures, principal
component analysis (PCA) is commonly used to identify 'latent'factors that underlie observed …
component analysis (PCA) is commonly used to identify 'latent'factors that underlie observed …
Identification of outliers in multivariate data
New insights are given into why the problem of detecting multivariate outliers can be difficult
and why the difficulty increases with the dimension of the data. Significant improvements in …
and why the difficulty increases with the dimension of the data. Significant improvements in …
[КНИГА][B] Analyse des données textuelles
L Lebart, B Pincemin, C Poudat - 2019 - books.google.com
L'analyse des données textuelles (ADT) permet d'explorer et de visualiser les recueils de
textes les plus divers: œuvres littéraires, transcriptions d'entretien, discours politiques …
textes les plus divers: œuvres littéraires, transcriptions d'entretien, discours politiques …
Fast very robust methods for the detection of multiple outliers
AC Atkinson - Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1994 - Taylor & Francis
A few repeats of a simple forward search from a random starting point are shown to provide
sufficiently robust parameter estimates to reveal masked multiple outliers. The stability of the …
sufficiently robust parameter estimates to reveal masked multiple outliers. The stability of the …
Static, ontogenetic, and evolutionary allometry: a multivariate comparison in nine species of water striders
CP Klingenberg, M Zimmermann - The American Naturalist, 1992 - journals.uchicago.edu
Static, ontogenetic, and evolutionary allometry in all five larval instars of nine species of the
water strider genera Gerris and Aquarius were compared using a multivariate approach …
water strider genera Gerris and Aquarius were compared using a multivariate approach …
The distribution of robust distances
Mahalanobis-type distances in which the shape matrix is derived from a consistent, high-
breakdown robust multivariate location and scale estimator have an asymptotic chi-squared …
breakdown robust multivariate location and scale estimator have an asymptotic chi-squared …