Stabilization, propagation and instability of tribrachial triple flames
SH Chung - Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2007 - Elsevier
A tribrachial (or triple) flame is one kind of edge flame that can be encountered in
nonpremixed mixing layers, consisting of a lean and a rich premixed flame wing together …
nonpremixed mixing layers, consisting of a lean and a rich premixed flame wing together …
Flame propagation enhancement by plasma excitation of oxygen. Part II: Effects of O2 (a1Δg)
The isolated effect of O2 (a1Δg) on the propagation of C2H4 lifted flames was studied at
reduced pressures (3.61 kPa and 6.73 kPa). The O2 (a1Δg) was produced in a microwave …
reduced pressures (3.61 kPa and 6.73 kPa). The O2 (a1Δg) was produced in a microwave …
Flame stability and combustion characteristics of liquid fuel in a meso-scale burner with porous media
X Chen, J Li, M Feng, D Zhao, B Shi, N Wang - Fuel, 2019 - Elsevier
To overcome difficulties of complete evaporation and mixing of liquid fuel in limited resident
time and space, a self-evaporation meso-scale burner is proposed. Combustion …
time and space, a self-evaporation meso-scale burner is proposed. Combustion …
Effect of electric fields on the propagation speed of tribrachial flames in coflow jets
The effect of electric fields on the propagation speed of tribrachial (or triple) flames has been
investigated in a coflow jet by observing the transient flame propagation behavior after …
investigated in a coflow jet by observing the transient flame propagation behavior after …
Effect of electric fields on reattachment and propagation speed of tribrachial flames in laminar coflow jets
The effects of electric fields on the reattachment of lifted flames have been investigated
experimentally in laminar coflow jets with propane fuel by applying high voltages to the fuel …
experimentally in laminar coflow jets with propane fuel by applying high voltages to the fuel …
Effect of electric fields on the stabilization of premixed laminar bunsen flames at low AC frequency: Bi-ionic wind effect
The stabilization characteristics of laminar premixed bunsen flames have been investigated
experimentally by applying AC electric fields at low frequency below 60Hz together with DC …
experimentally by applying AC electric fields at low frequency below 60Hz together with DC …
Electric fields effect on liftoff and blowoff of nonpremixed laminar jet flames in a coflow
The stabilization characteristics of liftoff and blowoff in nonpremixed laminar jet flames in a
coflow have been investigated experimentally for propane fuel by applying AC and DC …
coflow have been investigated experimentally for propane fuel by applying AC and DC …
Overall lift-off characteristics of CH4/H2 non-premixed jet flames in laminar/turbulent transition
The effects of adding hydrogen to methane were investigated through the transition between
laminar and turbulent regimes based on the characteristics of non-premixed lifted flames. Lift …
laminar and turbulent regimes based on the characteristics of non-premixed lifted flames. Lift …
An experimental study and analysis of lift-off length in inclined nonpremixed turbulent jet flames
The lifted flame behavior of inclined turbulent jets, considering the relative angle between
the fuel jet momentum and flame buoyancy was investigated experimentally by varying the …
the fuel jet momentum and flame buoyancy was investigated experimentally by varying the …
Effect of AC electric fields on the stabilization of premixed bunsen flames
The stabilization characteristics of laminar premixed bunsen flames have been investigated
experimentally for stoichiometric methane–air mixture by applying AC voltage to the nozzle …
experimentally for stoichiometric methane–air mixture by applying AC voltage to the nozzle …