Stabilization, propagation and instability of tribrachial triple flames

SH Chung - Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2007 - Elsevier
A tribrachial (or triple) flame is one kind of edge flame that can be encountered in
nonpremixed mixing layers, consisting of a lean and a rich premixed flame wing together …

Flame propagation enhancement by plasma excitation of oxygen. Part II: Effects of O2 (a1Δg)

T Ombrello, SH Won, Y Ju, S Williams - Combustion and flame, 2010 - Elsevier
The isolated effect of O2 (a1Δg) on the propagation of C2H4 lifted flames was studied at
reduced pressures (3.61 kPa and 6.73 kPa). The O2 (a1Δg) was produced in a microwave …

Flame stability and combustion characteristics of liquid fuel in a meso-scale burner with porous media

X Chen, J Li, M Feng, D Zhao, B Shi, N Wang - Fuel, 2019 - Elsevier
To overcome difficulties of complete evaporation and mixing of liquid fuel in limited resident
time and space, a self-evaporation meso-scale burner is proposed. Combustion …

Effect of electric fields on the propagation speed of tribrachial flames in coflow jets

SH Won, SK Ryu, MK Kim, MS Cha, SH Chung - Combustion and flame, 2008 - Elsevier
The effect of electric fields on the propagation speed of tribrachial (or triple) flames has been
investigated in a coflow jet by observing the transient flame propagation behavior after …

Effect of electric fields on reattachment and propagation speed of tribrachial flames in laminar coflow jets

SH Won, MS Cha, CS Park, SH Chung - Proceedings of the Combustion …, 2007 - Elsevier
The effects of electric fields on the reattachment of lifted flames have been investigated
experimentally in laminar coflow jets with propane fuel by applying high voltages to the fuel …

Effect of electric fields on the stabilization of premixed laminar bunsen flames at low AC frequency: Bi-ionic wind effect

MK Kim, SH Chung, HH Kim - Combustion and flame, 2012 - Elsevier
The stabilization characteristics of laminar premixed bunsen flames have been investigated
experimentally by applying AC electric fields at low frequency below 60Hz together with DC …

Electric fields effect on liftoff and blowoff of nonpremixed laminar jet flames in a coflow

MK Kim, SK Ryu, SH Won, SH Chung - Combustion and flame, 2010 - Elsevier
The stabilization characteristics of liftoff and blowoff in nonpremixed laminar jet flames in a
coflow have been investigated experimentally for propane fuel by applying AC and DC …

Overall lift-off characteristics of CH4/H2 non-premixed jet flames in laminar/turbulent transition

DS Jeon, GJ Hwang, NI Kim - Combustion and Flame, 2023 - Elsevier
The effects of adding hydrogen to methane were investigated through the transition between
laminar and turbulent regimes based on the characteristics of non-premixed lifted flames. Lift …

An experimental study and analysis of lift-off length in inclined nonpremixed turbulent jet flames

Q Wang, L Hu, F Tang, A Palacios, SH Chung - Combustion and Flame, 2023 - Elsevier
The lifted flame behavior of inclined turbulent jets, considering the relative angle between
the fuel jet momentum and flame buoyancy was investigated experimentally by varying the …

Effect of AC electric fields on the stabilization of premixed bunsen flames

MK Kim, SH Chung, HH Kim - Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2011 - Elsevier
The stabilization characteristics of laminar premixed bunsen flames have been investigated
experimentally for stoichiometric methane–air mixture by applying AC voltage to the nozzle …