Theories of statistical discrimination and affirmative action: A survey

H Fang, A Moro - Handbook of social economics, 2011 - Elsevier
This chapter surveys the theoretical literature on statistical discrimination and affirmative
action. This literature suggests different explanations for the existence and persistence of …

Does affirmative action work? Caste, gender, college quality, and academic success in India

S Bagde, D Epple, L Taylor - American Economic Review, 2016 -
Public policy in modern India features affirmative action programs intended to reduce
inequality that stems from a centuries-old caste structure and history of disparate treatment …

The widening gender wage gap in the gig economy in China: the impact of digitalisation

J Han, M Li, S Li, Y Hu - Humanities and Social Sciences …, 2024 -
The gig economy, fundamentally relying on the digital economy, is often celebrated for its
potential to expand employment opportunities and close gender wage gaps. However …

Home production, market production and the gender wage gap: Incentives and expectations

S Albanesi, C Olivetti - Review of Economic dynamics, 2009 - Elsevier
We study the joint determination of gender differences in labor earnings and time devoted to
home production in an economy where informational frictions give rise to incentive problems …

Non-Bayesian statistical discrimination

P Campos-Mercade, F Mengel - Management Science, 2024 -
Models of statistical discrimination typically assume that employers make rational inference
from (education) signals. However, there is a large amount of evidence showing that most …

A general equilibrium model of statistical discrimination

A Moro, P Norman - Journal of economic theory, 2004 - Elsevier
We study a general equilibrium model with endogenous human capital formation in which
ex ante identical groups may be treated asymmetrically in equilibrium. The interaction …

Racial profiling, fairness, and effectiveness of policing

N Persico - American Economic Review, 2002 -
Citizens of two groups may engage in crime, depending on their legal earning opportunities
and on the probability of being audited. Police audit citizens. Police behavior is fair if both …

Gender discrimination estimation in a search model with matching and bargaining

L Flabbi - International Economic Review, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
This article develops a search model of the labor market with matching, bargaining, and
employers' taste discrimination in which—under necessary but standard distributional …

Sorting through affirmative action: Three field experiments in Colombia

M Ibañez, G Riener - Journal of Labor Economics, 2018 -
The use of affirmative action policies to promote female employment remains debated. Do
affirmative action policies attract female applicants, and does that come at the expense of …

A theory of affirmative action in college admissions

Q Fu - Economic Inquiry, 2006 - Wiley Online Library
To address the issue of when minority and nonminority candidates compete for admissions
to a college, we show that an academic quality–oriented college maximizes the test score of …