Bioinspired marine antifouling coatings: Status, prospects, and future
H **, L Tian, W Bing, J Zhao, L Ren - Progress in Materials Science, 2022 - Elsevier
Marine biofouling has negatively affected human sailing since ancient times. Traditional
antifouling coatings were banned worldwide in 2003 due to their toxicity towards nontarget …
antifouling coatings were banned worldwide in 2003 due to their toxicity towards nontarget …
[HTML][HTML] Progress in marine antifouling coatings: Current status and prospects
L Li, H Hong, J Cao, Y Yang - Coatings, 2023 - mdpi.com
The ship** industry is vital to global trade. Unfortunately, this industry is negatively
impacted on a large scale by biofouling, a process whereby unwanted organisms …
impacted on a large scale by biofouling, a process whereby unwanted organisms …
[HTML][HTML] Advanced strategies for marine antifouling based on nanomaterial-enhanced functional PDMS coatings
X Shi, H Wei, W Zhou, PEDS Rodriguez, C Lin… - Nano Materials …, 2024 - Elsevier
Marine biofouling seriously affects human marine exploitation and transportation activities,
to which marine antifouling (AF) coatings are considered to be the most cost-effective …
to which marine antifouling (AF) coatings are considered to be the most cost-effective …
Toxigenic effects of two benthic diatoms upon grazing activity of the sea urchin: morphological, metabolomic and de novo transcriptomic analysis
Diatoms are unicellular algae playing a key role as photosynthetic organisms in the world's
ocean food webs. The chemical ecology of planktonic diatoms is well documented, but few …
ocean food webs. The chemical ecology of planktonic diatoms is well documented, but few …
Growth of marine biofilms and macrofouling organisms on biocide-infused, 3D-printed thermoplastics
3D printing has become widely used to rapidly prototype and manufacture novel or bespoke
objects or replacement components in a wide range of marine industries, engineering, and …
objects or replacement components in a wide range of marine industries, engineering, and …
Potential marine benthic colonisers of offshore wind farms in the English channel: a functional trait-based approach
Offshore wind farms (OWFs) have gained attention as a promising alternative to
conventional energy sources. However, their installation and operation may have multiple …
conventional energy sources. However, their installation and operation may have multiple …
Reduced seawater pH alters marine biofilms with impacts for marine polychaete larval settlement
Ocean acidification (OA) can negatively affect early-life stages of marine organisms, with the
key processes of larval settlement and metamorphosis potentially vulnerable to reduced …
key processes of larval settlement and metamorphosis potentially vulnerable to reduced …
Recruitment of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas in a shellfish-exploited Mediterranean lagoon: discovery, driving factors and a favorable environmental window
F Lagarde, M Ubertini, S Mortreux, I Bernard… - Marine Ecology …, 2017 - int-res.com
In the context of increasing demand for environmental recovery, aquatic systems may face
the challenge of evolving under oligotrophication. This is the case in Mediterranean …
the challenge of evolving under oligotrophication. This is the case in Mediterranean …
Impacts of UV-C irradiation on marine biofilm community succession
Marine biofilms are diverse microbial communities and important ecological habitats forming
on surfaces submerged in the ocean. Biofilm communities resist environmental disturbance …
on surfaces submerged in the ocean. Biofilm communities resist environmental disturbance …
Variation in recruitment: differentiating the roles of primary and secondary settlement of blue mussels Mytilus spp.
Recruitment has often been cited as a key factor regulating population abundance and
community structure in benthic marine ecosystems, where the life cycle of many species …
community structure in benthic marine ecosystems, where the life cycle of many species …