The processing of formulaic language
It is generally accepted that we store representations of individual words in our mental
lexicon. There is growing agreement that the lexicon also contains formulaic language (How …
lexicon. There is growing agreement that the lexicon also contains formulaic language (How …
The psycholinguistics of metaphor
S Glucksberg - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2003 -
Can lawyers be sharks, can jobs literally be jails, and can dogs fly across lawns? Such
metaphors create novel categories that enable us to characterize the topic of interest. These …
metaphors create novel categories that enable us to characterize the topic of interest. These …
[KNYGA][B] Language development: An introduction
RE Owens Jr - 2001 -
Describes patterns of general communication development and of English specificity,
emphasizing individual patterns. This edition devotes more attention to individual …
emphasizing individual patterns. This edition devotes more attention to individual …
[KNYGA][B] Understanding figurative language: From metaphor to idioms
S Glucksberg, MS McGlone - 2001 -
This book examines how people understand utterances that are intended figuratively.
Traditionally, figurative language such as metaphors and idioms has been considered …
Traditionally, figurative language such as metaphors and idioms has been considered …
Understanding figurative and literal language: The graded salience hypothesis
R Giora - 1997 -
In this study I lest the prevalent Claims among contemporary psycholinguists that
understanding metaphor does not involve a special process, and that it is essentially …
understanding metaphor does not involve a special process, and that it is essentially …
Idiomatic creativity
A Langlotz - 2006 -
'All right,'said the Cat; and this time it vanished quite slowly, beginning with the end of the
tail, and ending with the grin, which remained some time after the rest of it had gone.'Well …
tail, and ending with the grin, which remained some time after the rest of it had gone.'Well …
Adding more fuel to the fire: An eye-tracking study of idiom processing by native and non-native speakers
Using eye-tracking, we investigate on-line processing of idioms in a biasing story context by
native and non-native speakers of English. The stimuli are idioms used figuratively (at the …
native and non-native speakers of English. The stimuli are idioms used figuratively (at the …
[KNYGA][B] Figurative language: Cross-cultural and cross-linguistic perspectives
D Dobrovol'skij, E Piirainen - 2021 -
The book develops a Theory of the Figurative Lexicon. Units of the figurative lexicon
(conventional figurative units, CFUs for short) differ from all other elements of the language …
(conventional figurative units, CFUs for short) differ from all other elements of the language …
How to kick the bucket and not decompose: Analyzability and idiom processing
RW Gibbs Jr, NP Nayak, C Cutting - Journal of memory and language, 1989 - Elsevier
Idiomatic phrases differ in their degree of analyzability. Some idioms are highly
decomposable with the meanings of their parts contributing independently to their overall …
decomposable with the meanings of their parts contributing independently to their overall …
Processing of idioms by L2 learners of English
TC Cooper - TESOL quarterly, 1999 - Wiley Online Library
This study investigated the on‐line processing strategies used by a sample of nonnative
speakers of English who were asked to give the meanings of selected common idioms …
speakers of English who were asked to give the meanings of selected common idioms …