Memory is often conceived as a dynamic process that involves substantial transformations of mental representations. However, the neural mechanisms underlying these transformations …
INTRODUCTION Decision-making in complex environments relies on flexibly combining stimulus representations with context, goals, and memories. A central component of …
While experience is continuous, memories are organized as discrete events. Cognitive boundaries are thought to segment experience and structure memory, but how this process …
Prevailing theories of hippocampal function argue that memories are rapidly encoded by non-overlap** memory traces. Concurrently, the hippocampus has been argued to …
Memories undergo a time-dependent neural reorganization, which is assumed to be accompanied by a transformation from detailed to more gist-like memory. However, the …
G Xue - Progress in neurobiology, 2022 - Elsevier
Although memory has long been recognized as a generative process, neural research of memory in recent decades has been predominantly influenced by Tulving's “mental time …