CakeML: a verified implementation of ML
We have developed and mechanically verified an ML system called CakeML, which
supports a substantial subset of Standard ML. CakeML is implemented as an interactive …
supports a substantial subset of Standard ML. CakeML is implemented as an interactive …
Growing solver-aided languages with rosette
SAT and SMT solvers have automated a spectrum of programming tasks, including program
synthesis, code checking, bug localization, program repair, and programming with oracles …
synthesis, code checking, bug localization, program repair, and programming with oracles …
Pycg: Practical call graph generation in python
Call graphs play an important role in different contexts, such as profiling and vulnerability
propagation analysis. Generating call graphs in an efficient manner can be a challenging …
propagation analysis. Generating call graphs in an efficient manner can be a challenging …
The essence of JavaScript
We reduce JavaScript to a core calculus structured as a small-step operational semantics.
We present several peculiarities of the language and show that our calculus models them …
We present several peculiarities of the language and show that our calculus models them …
Migratory ty**: Ten years later
Migratory Ty**: Ten Years Later Schloss Dagstuhl - LZI - Logo DROPS Series LIPIcs –
Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics OASIcs – Open Access Series in …
Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics OASIcs – Open Access Series in …
The verse calculus: a core calculus for deterministic functional logic programming
Functional logic languages have a rich literature, but it is tricky to give them a satisfying
semantics. In this paper we describe the Verse calculus, VC, a new core calculus for …
semantics. In this paper we describe the Verse calculus, VC, a new core calculus for …
Static analysis of event-driven Node. js JavaScript applications
Many JavaScript programs are written in an event-driven style. In particular, in server-side
Node. js applications, operations involving sockets, streams, and files are typically …
Node. js applications, operations involving sockets, streams, and files are typically …
Semantics-based program verifiers for all languages
We present a language-independent verification framework that can be instantiated with an
operational semantics to automatically generate a program verifier. The framework treats …
operational semantics to automatically generate a program verifier. The framework treats …
Abstracting abstract machines
We describe a derivational approach to abstract interpretation that yields novel and
transparently sound static analyses when applied to well-established abstract machines. To …
transparently sound static analyses when applied to well-established abstract machines. To …
Bringing the WebAssembly standard up to speed with SpecTec
WebAssembly (Wasm) is a portable low-level bytecode language and virtual machine that
has seen increasing use in a variety of ecosystems. Its specification is unusually rigorous …
has seen increasing use in a variety of ecosystems. Its specification is unusually rigorous …