Efficient upwind finite-difference schemes for wave equations on overset grids
We describe an algorithm to easily and efficiently incorporate upwinding into finite-difference
schemes for solving wave equations in second-order form and apply this scheme to solve …
schemes for solving wave equations in second-order form and apply this scheme to solve …
High-order accurate implicit-explicit time-step** schemes for wave equations on overset grids
New implicit and implicit-explicit time-step** methods for the wave equation in second-
order form are described with application to two and three-dimensional problems discretized …
order form are described with application to two and three-dimensional problems discretized …
Gaussian dispersion analysis in the time domain: efficient conversion with Padé approximants
We present an approach for adapting the Gaussian dispersion analysis (GDA) of optical
materials to time-domain simulations. Within a GDA model, the imaginary part of a measured …
materials to time-domain simulations. Within a GDA model, the imaginary part of a measured …
A high-order accurate scheme for Maxwell's equations with a generalized dispersive material (GDM) model and material interfaces
A high-order accurate scheme for solving the time-domain dispersive Maxwell's equations
and material interfaces is described. Maxwell's equations are solved in second-order form …
and material interfaces is described. Maxwell's equations are solved in second-order form …
Fractional-step finite difference schemes for incompressible elasticity on overset grids
Efficient finite-difference schemes for the numerical solution of the time-dependent
equations of incompressible linear elasticity on complex geometry are presented. The …
equations of incompressible linear elasticity on complex geometry are presented. The …
Energy analysis and discretization of the time-domain equivalent fluid model for wave propagation in rigid porous media
The equivalent fluid model (EFM) describes the acoustic properties of rigid porous media by
defining the intra-pore fluid phase as a fluid with an effective density and an effective …
defining the intra-pore fluid phase as a fluid with an effective density and an effective …
Computation of unsteady electromagnetic scattering about 3D complex bodies in free space with high-order difference potentials
We extend the previously developed high-order accurate method for acoustic scattering to
electromagnetic scattering, ie, from the scalar setting to a vector setting. First, the governing …
electromagnetic scattering, ie, from the scalar setting to a vector setting. First, the governing …
Local compatibility boundary conditions for high-order accurate finite-difference approximations of PDEs
We describe a new approach to derive numerical approximations of boundary conditions for
high-order accurate finite-difference approximations. The approach, called the local …
high-order accurate finite-difference approximations. The approach, called the local …
An improved two‐dimensional (2, 4) finite‐difference time‐domain method for Lorentz dispersive media
The credible solution of discretized Maxwell's equations in spaces occupied by Lorentz
dispersive media is the main subject of this work. Specifically, we introduce a finite …
dispersive media is the main subject of this work. Specifically, we introduce a finite …
A finite-difference time-domain method for Lorentz dispersive media with reduced errors within arbitrary frequency bands
This work develops a finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) methodology with controllable
accuracy within prescribed frequency bands, which is suitable for problems incorporating …
accuracy within prescribed frequency bands, which is suitable for problems incorporating …