Effects of rare earth elements (REE) on terrestrial organisms: current status and future directions
Abstract Rare Earth Elements (REE) are becoming increasingly important economically and
highly exploited, thus contributing to REE increases in ecosystems. The ecotoxicological …
highly exploited, thus contributing to REE increases in ecosystems. The ecotoxicological …
Direct determination of lanthanides by LIBS in REE-rich ores: comparison between univariate and DoE based multivariate calibrations with respect to spectral …
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) was used to detect rare-earth elements
(REEs)–Ce, La, Nd, Pr, and Sm–in ores. The problems of significant overlap** of REE …
(REEs)–Ce, La, Nd, Pr, and Sm–in ores. The problems of significant overlap** of REE …
Determination of Ce and La in REE-rich ores using handheld LIBS and PLS regression
In this study, we utilized a handheld LIBS (laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy) analyzer
(Z-300, SciAps) to quantitatively determine cerium and lanthanum in ores enriched with rare …
(Z-300, SciAps) to quantitatively determine cerium and lanthanum in ores enriched with rare …
Rare earth element concentrations in Brazilian benchmark soils
YJAB Silva, CWA Nascimento, YJAB Silva… - Revista Brasileira de …, 2016 - SciELO Brasil
Studies regarding background concentrations of rare earth elements (REEs) are scarce and
have mainly focused on a limited number of soil types from the northern hemisphere. The …
have mainly focused on a limited number of soil types from the northern hemisphere. The …
Combination of instrumental neutron activation analysis with X-Ray fluorescence spectrometry for the determination of rare-earth elements in geological samples
IY Silachyov - Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2020 - Springer
A combined use of comparator instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) including the
internal standard method and energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (EDXRF) …
internal standard method and energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (EDXRF) …
[PDF][PDF] General characteristics of rare earth and radioactive elements in Dong Pao deposit, Lai Chau, Vietnam
ND Chau, P Jadwiga, P Adam, DV Hao, LK Phon… - Vietnam J Earth …, 2017 - core.ac.uk
One of the important rare earth deposits is the Dong Pao localized in Lai Chau province,
West-North of Vietnam. Generally, the deposit is composed of two parts, the lower and the …
West-North of Vietnam. Generally, the deposit is composed of two parts, the lower and the …
Near-infrared spectroscopy for the prediction of rare earth elements in soils from the largest uranium-phosphate deposit in Brazil using PLS, iPLS, and iSPA-PLS …
The largest uranium-phosphate deposit in Brazil also contains considerable levels of rare
earth elements (REEs), which allows for the co-mining of these three ores. The most …
earth elements (REEs), which allows for the co-mining of these three ores. The most …
Species of Peltula (lichenized Ascomycota) are shown to tolerate rock substrate rich in natural γ-radiation in NE Brazil
MLL Buril, AK de Oliveira Silva, MCBCB Martins… - Total Environment …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract Pedra Municipality in Pernambuco State (Northeastern Brazil) is known for
encompassing areas with high natural radiation from 238 U sources, contaminating soil …
encompassing areas with high natural radiation from 238 U sources, contaminating soil …
Комплексирование инструментального нейтронно-активационного и рентгенофлуоресцентного анализа для определения содержания редкоземельных …
ИЮ Силачёв - Журнал аналитической химии, 2020 - elibrary.ru
Рассмотрено совместное применение компараторного инструментального нейтронно-
активационного анализа (ИНАА) с использованием способа внутреннего стандарта и …
активационного анализа (ИНАА) с использованием способа внутреннего стандарта и …
Anthropogenic accumulation based on chemometrics of the radionuclide K-40 in tropical soils in the northeast Brazil
OP dos Santos Junior, JA dos Santos Junior… - Journal of …, 2022 - Elsevier
The continuous use of fertilizers can increase the radionuclides levels in soils, and their
accumulation and concentration are related to their characteristics and the various …
accumulation and concentration are related to their characteristics and the various …