About Sobolev spaces on fractals: fractal gradians and Laplacians

A Khalili Golmankhaneh, PET Jørgensen… - Aequationes …, 2024 - Springer
The paper covers the foundations of fractal calculus on fractal curves, defines different
function classes, establishes vector spaces for F α-integrable functions, introduces local …

Operator-valued Gaussian processes and their covariance kernels

PET Jorgensen, J Tian - Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum …, 2024 - World Scientific
In this paper, we discuss a new framework for operator-valued Gaussian processes and
their covariance kernels. Our emphasis is four-fold:(i) starting with a positive operator-valued …

Gaussian processes in Non-commutative probability

PET Jorgensen, J Tian - arxiv preprint arxiv:2408.10254, 2024 - arxiv.org
Motivated by questions in quantum theory, we study Hilbert space valued Gaussian
processes, and operator-valued kernels, ie, kernels taking values in B (H)(= all bounded …

Conditional mean embeddings and optimal feature selection via positive definite kernels

PET Jorgensen, MS Song, J Tian - arxiv preprint arxiv:2305.08100, 2023 - arxiv.org
Motivated by applications, we consider here new operator theoretic approaches to
Conditional mean embeddings (CME). Our present results combine a spectral analysis …

Operator theory, kernels, and Feedforward Neural Networks

PET Jorgensen, MS Song, J Tian - arxiv preprint arxiv:2301.01327, 2023 - arxiv.org
In this paper we show how specific families of positive definite kernels serve as powerful
tools in analyses of iteration algorithms for multiple layer feedforward Neural Network …

Stochastics and Dynamics of Fractals

PET Jorgensen, J Tian - … in Operator Theory, Mathematical Physics and …, 2022 - Springer
For classes of self-affine fractal measures, we offer a new analysis of the associated
diffusions, Markov processes, semigroups, and Dirichlet forms. With view to an harmonic …

Numerical analysis of stochastic elliptic variational inequalities of second kind

M Sui - 2022 - search.proquest.com
Variational inequalities form an important family of nonlinear boundary value and initial-
boundary value problems and they arise in a wide variety of applications in science and …

An Infinite Dimensional Analysis of Kernel Principal Components

PET Jorgensen, S Kang, MS Song, F Tian - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2019 - arxiv.org
We study non-linear data-dimension reduction. We are motivated by the classical linear
framework of Principal Component Analysis. In nonlinear case, we introduce instead a new …


PET JORGENSEN, S KANG, MSIN SONG… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2019 - academia.edu
We study non-linear data-dimension reduction. We are motivated by the classical linear
framework of Principal Component Analysis. In nonlinear case, we introduce instead a new …