Bleak prospects: map** trade union membership in Europe since 2000
K Vandaele - Bleak Prospects: Map** Trade Union Membership …, 2000 - papers.ssrn.com
This report details shifts in trade union membership and density in 32 European countries
since 2000, with a particular focus on the age structure within trade unions. The report …
since 2000, with a particular focus on the age structure within trade unions. The report …
In unions we trust! Analysing confidence in unions across Europe
Public institutions and trade unions in particular are often portrayed as facing a deep crisis.
In order to better understand to what extent unions are still perceived as legitimate …
In order to better understand to what extent unions are still perceived as legitimate …
The influence of the political attitudes of workers and the effect of the Great Recession on the decision to join a trade union in Southern Europe
M Sánchez-Mosquera - Economic and Industrial Democracy, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
One of the distinctive characteristics of the trade union model in Southern Europe is the clear
political persuasion of the dominant confederations (mainly left-wing) and, with the …
political persuasion of the dominant confederations (mainly left-wing) and, with the …
[PDF][PDF] Trade unions and collective bargaining in Italy during the crisis
S Leonardi - Rough waters European trade unions in a time of …, 2018 - etui.org
Not unlike a significant proportion of the trade union movements develo** within the fold
of older industrial traditions, in Italy, too, the trade unions are facing difficulties. The reasons …
of older industrial traditions, in Italy, too, the trade unions are facing difficulties. The reasons …
[PDF][PDF] How can trade unions in Europe connect with young workers
K Vandaele - Youth Labor in Transition: Inequalities, Mobility, and …, 2018 - researchgate.net
Trade union density has almost universally declined across Europe in recent decades
(Visser 2016), although substantial cross-country variation still exists. Among the different …
(Visser 2016), although substantial cross-country variation still exists. Among the different …
[PDF][PDF] Trade unions in Italy: Pluralism and resilience
S Leonardi, R Pedersini - Trade unions in the European Union, 2023 - library.oapen.org
The Italian system of industrial relations is characterized by a number of original traits,
viewed in a comparative perspective. One such trait is the high degree of voluntarism and …
viewed in a comparative perspective. One such trait is the high degree of voluntarism and …
Political attitudes and trade union membership in the Nordic countries
CS Jensen - European Journal of Industrial Relations, 2017 - journals.sagepub.com
Do political attitudes influence the likelihood of employees being members of a trade union,
and to what extent is this the case in the Nordic countries with their high aggregate levels of …
and to what extent is this the case in the Nordic countries with their high aggregate levels of …
Membership in the digital era
G Scaramuzzino, R Scaramuzzino - Sociologisk forskning, 2020 - JSTOR
The aim of the article is to explore trade unions' use of Internet and social media in
communicating with members and to understand membership in the digital era. A point of …
communicating with members and to understand membership in the digital era. A point of …
Demobilised or dormant? Exploring pro-strike attitudes among employees who have never joined a strike
L Frangi, MU Boodoo… - Economic and Industrial …, 2022 - journals.sagepub.com
The general decline of strikes does not necessarily imply that workers are demobilised. A
dormant strike potential can be present. Drawing on strikes as 'experience goods', this article …
dormant strike potential can be present. Drawing on strikes as 'experience goods', this article …
Socioeconomic Factors Affecting Labor Unions in Pakistan: A case study of Public Sector Organizations
F Bashir, MA Akhtar - iRASD Journal of Management, 2022 - internationalrasd.org
The study focuses on socioeconomic factors motivating labor to become part of labor unions
in Pakistan. Various socioeconomic variables were chosen and tested their impact on …
in Pakistan. Various socioeconomic variables were chosen and tested their impact on …