Geodynamic significance of seismic anisotropy of the upper mantle: New insights from laboratory studies
Seismic anisotropy is caused mainly by the lattice-preferred orientation of anisotropic
minerals. Major breakthroughs have occurred in the study of lattice-preferred orientation in …
minerals. Major breakthroughs have occurred in the study of lattice-preferred orientation in …
Microtexture determination by electron back-scatter diffraction
DJ Dingley, V Randle - Journal of materials science, 1992 - Springer
This review describes the use of an experimental technique known as electron back-scatter
diffraction (EBSD) to measure microtexture, that is, spatially specific texture measured on an …
diffraction (EBSD) to measure microtexture, that is, spatially specific texture measured on an …
[КНИГА][B] Introduction to texture analysis: macrotexture, microtexture and orientation map**
V Randle, O Engler - 2000 - taylorfrancis.com
Encompassing the concepts, practice, and application of orientation analysis, Introduction to
Texture Analysis is an essential reference source for reserachers in textiles. The author uses …
Texture Analysis is an essential reference source for reserachers in textiles. The author uses …
Crystallographic texture evolution in bulk deformation processing of FCC metals
A Taylor-type polycrystalline model, together with a new fully-implicit time-integration
scheme has been developed and implemented in a finite element program to simulate the …
scheme has been developed and implemented in a finite element program to simulate the …
A novel pole figure inversion method: specification of the MTEX algorithm
R Hielscher, H Schaeben - Applied Crystallography, 2008 - journals.iucr.org
A novel algorithm for ODF (orientation density function) estimation from diffraction pole
figures is presented which is especially well suited for sharp textures and high-resolution …
figures is presented which is especially well suited for sharp textures and high-resolution …
Strength of the lithosphere: Constraints imposed by laboratory experiments
DL Kohlstedt, B Evans… - Journal of Geophysical …, 1995 - Wiley Online Library
The concept of strength envelopes, developed in the 1970s, allowed quantitative predictions
of the strength of the lithosphere based on experimentally determined constitutive equations …
of the strength of the lithosphere based on experimentally determined constitutive equations …
S.-I. Karato 2008. Deformation of Earth Materials. An Introduction to the Rheology of Solid Earth. x+ 463 pp. Cambridge, New York, Melbourne: Cambridge University …
EH Rutter - Geological Magazine, 2010 - cambridge.org
Archean passive margins. In When Did Plate Tectonics Begin on Planet Earth?(eds KC
Condie & V. Pease.), pp. 149–56. Geological Society of America Special Paper no. 440 …
Condie & V. Pease.), pp. 149–56. Geological Society of America Special Paper no. 440 …
The misorientation index: Development of a new method for calculating the strength of lattice-preferred orientation
Using orientation data from experimentally deformed olivine, we explore some practical
problems with the J-index, a commonly applied measure of fabric strength. We show that the …
problems with the J-index, a commonly applied measure of fabric strength. We show that the …
[КНИГА][B] Engineering applications of noncommutative harmonic analysis: with emphasis on rotation and motion groups
GS Chirikjian, AB Kyatkin - 2000 - taylorfrancis.com
The classical Fourier transform is one of the most widely used mathematical tools in
engineering. However, few engineers know that extensions of harmonic analysis to …
engineering. However, few engineers know that extensions of harmonic analysis to …
[КНИГА][B] Quantitative textural measurements in igneous and metamorphic petrology
MD Higgins - 2006 - books.google.com
Processes involved in the development of igneous and metamorphic rocks involve some
combination of crystal growth, solution, movement and deformation, which is expressed as …
combination of crystal growth, solution, movement and deformation, which is expressed as …