Extreme value theory and statistics of univariate extremes: a review

MI Gomes, A Guillou - International statistical review, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Statistical issues arising in modelling univariate extremes of a random sample have been
successfully used in the most diverse fields, such as biometrics, finance, insurance and risk …

An overview and open research topics in statistics of univariate extremes

J Beirlant, F Caeiro, MI Gomes - REVSTAT-Statistical Journal, 2012 - revstat.ine.pt
This review paper focuses on statistical issues arising in modeling univariate extremes of a
random sample. In the last three decades there has been a shift from the area of parametric …

A simple generalisation of the Hill estimator

MF Brilhante, MI Gomes, D Pestana - Computational Statistics & Data …, 2013 - Elsevier
The classical Hill estimator of a positive extreme value index (EVI) can be regarded as the
logarithm of the geometric mean, or equivalently the logarithm of the mean of order p= 0, of a …

Mean-of-order p reduced-bias extreme value index estimation under a third-order framework

F Caeiro, MI Gomes, J Beirlant, T de Wet - Extremes, 2016 - Springer
Reduced-bias versions of a very simple generalization of the 'classical'Hill estimator of a
positive extreme value index (EVI) are put forward. The Hill estimator can be regarded as the …

[KNJIGA][B] Forecasting and assessing risk of individual electricity peaks

M Jacob, C Neves, D Vukadinović Greetham - 2020 - library.oapen.org
The overarching aim of this open access book is to present self-contained theory and
algorithms for investigation and prediction of electric demand peaks. A cross-section of …

On an improvement of Hill and some other estimators

V Paulauskas, M Vaičiulis - Lithuanian Mathematical Journal, 2013 - Springer
In the paper, we propose a new idea in the tail-index estimation. This idea allows us to
improve the asymptotic performance of the classical Hill estimator and other most popular …

Mixed moment estimator and location invariant alternatives

MI Fraga Alves, MI Gomes, L de Haan, C Neves - Extremes, 2009 - Springer
A new class of estimators of the extreme value index is developed. It has a simple form and
is asymptotically very close to the maximum likelihood estimator for a wide class of heavy …

A review of more than one hundred Pareto-tail index estimators

I Fedotenkov - Statistica, 2020 - rivista-statistica.unibo.it
Heavy-tailed distributions are often encountered in economics, finance, biology,
telecommunications, geology, etc. The heaviness of a tail is measured by a tail index …

Reduced-bias tail index estimators under a third-order framework

F Caeiro, MI Gomes, LH Rodrigues - Communications in Statistics …, 2009 - Taylor & Francis
In this article, we are interested in the comparison, under a third-order framework, of classes
of second-order, reduced-bias tail index estimators, giving particular emphasis to minimum …

[PDF][PDF] Estimation of the extreme value index for randomly censored data

MI Gomes, MM Neves - Biometrical Letters, 2011 - bl.up.poznan.pl
In the field of Statistics of Extremes, the most common assumption on any set of univariate
data is to consider them as a complete sample of either independent and identically …