Similarity, credibility, and attitude change: A review and a theory.
HW Simons, NN Berkowitz, RJ Moyer - Psychological bulletin, 1970 - psycnet.apa.org
Reviews findings from studies (including previously unsummarized" social attraction"
research) linking types of source-receiver similarities (attitudinal and membership, relevant …
research) linking types of source-receiver similarities (attitudinal and membership, relevant …
A practitioner's guide to persuasion: An overview of 15 selected persuasion theories, models and frameworks
KA Cameron - Patient education and counseling, 2009 - Elsevier
OBJECTIVE: To provide a brief overview of 15 selected persuasion theories and models,
and to present examples of their use in health communication research. RESULTS: The …
and to present examples of their use in health communication research. RESULTS: The …
[BOK][B] Nonverbal communication
The newly revised edition of this groundbreaking textbook provides a comprehensive
overview of the theory, research, and applications of nonverbal communication. Authored by …
overview of the theory, research, and applications of nonverbal communication. Authored by …
[BOK][B] Attitudes to language
P Garrett - 2010 - books.google.com
Just about everyone seems to have views about language. Language attitudes and
language ideologies permeate our daily lives. Our competence, intelligence, friendliness …
language ideologies permeate our daily lives. Our competence, intelligence, friendliness …
[BOK][B] The dynamics of persuasion: Communication and attitudes in the 21st century
RM Perloff - 1993 - taylorfrancis.com
This completely revised second edition of the best-selling text presents an up-to-date,
comprehensive introduction to persuasive communication and attitude change. Employing …
comprehensive introduction to persuasive communication and attitude change. Employing …
[BOK][B] Skilled interpersonal communication: Research, theory and practice
O Hargie - 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
Established as the foremost textbook on communication, the seventh edition of Owen
Hargie's Skilled Interpersonal Communication is thoroughly revised and updated with the …
Hargie's Skilled Interpersonal Communication is thoroughly revised and updated with the …
[BOK][B] Negotiation
RJ Lewicki, B Barry, DM Saunders - 2020 - thuvienso.hoasen.edu.vn
This book explores the major concepts and theories of the psychology of bargaining and
negotiation, and the dynamics of interpersonal and intergroup conflict and its resolution. It is …
negotiation, and the dynamics of interpersonal and intergroup conflict and its resolution. It is …
[BOK][B] Persuasion: Social influence and compliance gaining
RH Gass, JS Seiter - 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
The seventh edition of this field-leading textbook provides an accessible and rigorous
presentation of major theories of persuasion and their applications to a variety of real-world …
presentation of major theories of persuasion and their applications to a variety of real-world …
[BOK][B] Communicating social support.
TL Albrecht, MB Adelman - 1987 - psycnet.apa.org
Through a careful examination of the nuances and tensions surrounding the communication
of support, the contributors clearly demonstrate that social support is a process inextricably …
of support, the contributors clearly demonstrate that social support is a process inextricably …
[BOK][B] Entertainment-education: A communication strategy for social change
A Singhal, E Rogers - 2012 - taylorfrancis.com
Arvind Singhal and Everett M. Rogers have developed this unique volume focused on the
history and development of entertainment-education. This approach to communication is the …
history and development of entertainment-education. This approach to communication is the …