Psychological therapies for post‐traumatic stress disorder and comorbid substance use disorder

NP Roberts, PA Roberts, N Jones… - Cochrane Database of …, 2016 -
Background Post‐traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a debilitating mental health disorder
that may develop after exposure to traumatic events. Substance use disorder (SUD) is a …

Treatment outcome in substance use disorder patients with and without comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder: A systematic review

A Hildebrand, S Behrendt, J Hoyer - Psychotherapy Research, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
We investigated the role of comorbid posttraumatic stress disorder (CO-PTSD) in substance
use disorder (DSM-IV/ICD-10 substance abuse or dependence, SUD) treatment. We …

[PDF][PDF] Cognitive processing therapy versus medication for the treatment of comorbid substance use disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder in Egyptian patients …

A ElBarazi, OA Badary, MM Elmazar… - Journal of Evidence …, 2022 -
Earlier research has established that posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and substance
use disorder (SUD) frequently coexist. Aims: Cognitive Processing Therapy was compared …

Emotional processing in individuals with substance use disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder

LK Kemmis, S Wanigaratne, KA Ehntholt - International Journal of Mental …, 2017 - Springer
Previous research has shown that individuals with substance use disorder (SUD) and
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have emotional processing difficulties. However, no …

Reinvigorating actus reus: the case for involuntary actions by veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder

M Hamilton - Berkeley J. Crim. L., 2011 - HeinOnline
Matthew Sepi, a 20-year-old combat veteran who had been deployed in Iraq, headed out to
a local convenience store in Las Vegas in 2005 concealing an AK-47 under his clothing in …

From soldier to student: A case study of veterans' transitions to first-time community college students

HA Wheeler - 2011 -
Increasing numbers of veterans are returning home from military service. Because of the
benefits offered by the Post-9/11 GI Bill, many of these veterans will look to higher education …

Probable posttraumatic stress disorder in a sample of urban jail detainees

D Ruzich, J Reichert, AJ Lurigio - International journal of law and …, 2014 - Elsevier
This study examined the nature and extent of probable posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
among men in a substance abuse treatment program in a large urban jail. Specifically, it …

Does substance abuse affect outcomes for trauma-focused treatment of combat-related PTSD?

J McDowell, J Rodriguez - Addiction Research & Theory, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Comorbidity of substance use disorders (SUDs) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
among combat Veterans is common, which creates a need for special consideration of …

Substance abuse, military sexual trauma, and the seeking safety model.

LM Najavits, R Palacholla - 2016 -
PTSD and substance use disorders (SUD) are often directly related to military sexual trauma
(MST) experiences. SUD is underrecognized and underreported, yet is crucial to address …

[PDF][PDF] El uso del Focusing como herramienta para el tratamiento de adictos en recuperación en un programa de doce pasos: una práctica en Costa Rica Recovery …

J Doga Noel - 2015 -
En este documento se presenta la sistematización dela práctica dirigida llevada a cabo
durante el año 2014 en Costa Rica Recovery, un centro de rehabilitación para personas …