Human disturbance has contrasting effects on niche partitioning within carnivore communities
Among species, coexistence is driven partly by the partitioning of available resources. The
mechanisms of coexistence and competition among species have been a central topic …
mechanisms of coexistence and competition among species have been a central topic …
Human disturbance increases trophic niche overlap in terrestrial carnivore communities
PJ Manlick, JN Pauli - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020 -
Animal foraging and competition are defined by the partitioning of three primary niche axes:
space, time, and resources. Human disturbance is rapidly altering the spatial and temporal …
space, time, and resources. Human disturbance is rapidly altering the spatial and temporal …
Competitive overlap between martens Martes americana and Martes caurina and fishers Pekania pennanti: a rangewide perspective and synthesis
Competition is a major determinant of where species occur and how species interact.
Among carnivorans, interspecific competition is particularly apparent, as many of these …
Among carnivorans, interspecific competition is particularly apparent, as many of these …
Assessing arrays of multiple trail cameras to detect North American mammals
BE Evans, CE Mosby, A Mortelliti - PloS one, 2019 -
Motion triggered camera traps are an increasingly popular tool for wildlife research and can
be used to survey for multiple species simultaneously. As with all survey techniques, it is …
be used to survey for multiple species simultaneously. As with all survey techniques, it is …
Reciprocated competition between two forest carnivores drives dietary specialization
Competition shapes animal communities, but the strength of the interaction varies spatially
depending on the availability and aggregation of resources and competitors. Among …
depending on the availability and aggregation of resources and competitors. Among …
Interactive range‐limit theory (iRLT): An extension for predicting range shifts
APK Sirén, TL Morelli - Journal of Animal Ecology, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
A central theme of range‐limit theory (RLT) posits that abiotic factors form high‐
latitude/altitude limits, whereas biotic interactions create lower limits. This hypothesis, often …
latitude/altitude limits, whereas biotic interactions create lower limits. This hypothesis, often …
When carnivores collide: a review of studies exploring the competitive interactions between bobcats Lynx rufus and coyotes Canis latrans
Bobcats Lynx rufus and coyotes Canis latrans are two widespread mesopredators with a
complex history of sympatry. The competitive interactions between these species are of …
complex history of sympatry. The competitive interactions between these species are of …
Increasing homogeneity of Mediterranean landscapes limits the co-occurrence of mesocarnivores in space and time
Abstract Context The Mediterranean basin is characterized by a heterogeneous landscape
historically shaped by human activities. Land abandonment and extensive monocultures …
historically shaped by human activities. Land abandonment and extensive monocultures …
Forest structure and snow depth alter the movement patterns and subsequent expenditures of a forest carnivore, the Pacific marten
Energetic balance is central to the survival and persistence of free‐ranging animals.
Quantifying expenditures and identifying factors that drive energetics informs our …
Quantifying expenditures and identifying factors that drive energetics informs our …
Using fine scale resolution vegetation data from LiDAR and ground-based sampling to predict Pacific marten resting habitat at multiple spatial scales
Pacific marten (Martes caurina) populations have become fragmented and constricted
throughout their western range, often due to factors such as increased severity of wildfires …
throughout their western range, often due to factors such as increased severity of wildfires …