[HTML][HTML] Challenges and opportunities in European smart buildings energy management: A critical review
The substantial stock of European buildings, accounting for more than 40% of energy
consumption, has prompted member states to establish a renovation standard with stringent …
consumption, has prompted member states to establish a renovation standard with stringent …
Efficient short-term electricity load forecasting for effective energy management
Short-term electrical energy load forecasting is one of the most significant problems
associated with energy management for smart grids, which aims to optimize the operational …
associated with energy management for smart grids, which aims to optimize the operational …
Development of smart energy systems for communities: Technologies, policies and applications
Highlights•Smart Energy Systems reduces CO 2 emissions while increases energy
efficiency.•Development of the Smart Sustainable Energy using PEST analysis are more …
efficiency.•Development of the Smart Sustainable Energy using PEST analysis are more …
The impact of iot and sensor integration on real-time weather monitoring systems: A systematic review
AP Selvam, SNS Al-Humairi - 2023 - researchsquare.com
The observation of weather and its impact on human life is undeniable. Weather
observations are essential for various sectors, including agriculture, transportation, aviation …
observations are essential for various sectors, including agriculture, transportation, aviation …
[HTML][HTML] Toward explainable electrical load forecasting of buildings: A comparative study of tree-based ensemble methods with Shapley values
Electrical load forecasting of buildings is crucial in designing an energy operation strategy
for smart city realization. Although artificial intelligence techniques have demonstrated …
for smart city realization. Although artificial intelligence techniques have demonstrated …
A CNN-Assisted deep echo state network using multiple Time-Scale dynamic learning reservoirs for generating Short-Term solar energy forecasting
M Ishaq, S Kwon - Sustainable energy technologies and assessments, 2022 - Elsevier
The integration of renewable energy generation presented an important development
around the globe and conveys countless financial, commercial, and environmental …
around the globe and conveys countless financial, commercial, and environmental …
Solar power prediction using dual stream CNN-LSTM architecture
The integration of solar energy with a power system brings great economic and
environmental benefits. However, the high penetration of solar power is challenging due to …
environmental benefits. However, the high penetration of solar power is challenging due to …
[HTML][HTML] Boosting energy harvesting via deep learning-based renewable power generation prediction
The high-level variation of different energy generation resources makes the reliable power
supply significantly challenging to end-users. These variations occur due to the intermittent …
supply significantly challenging to end-users. These variations occur due to the intermittent …
[HTML][HTML] TransformGraph: A novel short-term electricity net load forecasting model
The development of the smart grid recognizes the importance of projecting electrical net
load forecasting, which represents the difference between load demand and installed …
load forecasting, which represents the difference between load demand and installed …
Robust building energy consumption forecasting using an online learning approach with R ranger
Recently, the online learning-based stacking ensemble approach has yielded satisfactory
short-term load forecasting (STLF) because it can effectively reflect recent building energy …
short-term load forecasting (STLF) because it can effectively reflect recent building energy …