Mediated-moderated effects: High and low store image, brand awareness, perceived value from mini and supermarkets retail stores
This paper addresses how different store formats moderate the relationship between store
image and purchase intention, mediated by brand awareness and perceived value …
image and purchase intention, mediated by brand awareness and perceived value …
[HTML][HTML] Word of mouth and digitalization in small retailers: Tradition, authenticity, and change
Traditional commerce does not have a great variety of products: it has a more leisurely sale
and does not develop impulse buying. The most important factor is the direct relationship …
and does not develop impulse buying. The most important factor is the direct relationship …
Buying behaviour of consumers for food products in an emerging economy
A total of 101 households having sufficient purchasing power were personally surveyed with
a structured questionnaire. These households are spread across the well‐developed …
a structured questionnaire. These households are spread across the well‐developed …
[KNIHA][B] Der Handel: Grundlagen-Management-Strategien
L Müller-Hagedorn, W Toporowski, S Zielke - 2012 - books.google.com
Der Handel ist in Bewegung: Es entstehen neue Betriebsformen, Vertikalisten konkurrieren
mit klassischen Handelsorganisationen, elektronische und stationäre Kanäle werden in …
mit klassischen Handelsorganisationen, elektronische und stationäre Kanäle werden in …
Searching offline and buying online–An analysis of showrooming forms and segments
PJ Schneider, S Zielke - Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2020 - Elsevier
Showrooming is behavior where customers search for information in brick-and-mortar stores
and then purchase products online. While the literature conceptualizes showrooming as a …
and then purchase products online. While the literature conceptualizes showrooming as a …
Online and store patronage: a typology of grocery shoppers
P Harris, F Dall'Olmo Riley, D Riley… - International Journal of …, 2017 - emerald.com
Purpose Grounded on approach/avoidance behaviour theory, the purpose of this paper is to
develop a typology of grocery shoppers based on the concomitant perceived advantages …
develop a typology of grocery shoppers based on the concomitant perceived advantages …
What is a retail brand-a systematic review of terms and definitions
Purpose Although many scholars have acknowledged inconsistencies in the use of the retail
brand term within the existing empirical literature, no one has conducted a systematic study …
brand term within the existing empirical literature, no one has conducted a systematic study …
Reciprocal effects between multichannel retailers' offline and online brand images
WS Kwon, SJ Lennon - Journal of retailing, 2009 - Elsevier
Two experiments were conducted to disentangle reciprocal relationships between
multichannel retailers' offline and online brand images. Results support the cross-channel …
multichannel retailers' offline and online brand images. Results support the cross-channel …
Store image attributes and customer satisfaction across different customer profiles within the supermarket sector in Greece
Purpose–This research seeks to accomplish two objectives: to extend the test of the
functional relationship between store image attributes and customer satisfaction in the …
functional relationship between store image attributes and customer satisfaction in the …
The effects of hedonic shop** values on loyalty towards small retailers: The moderating role of trust
This study aims to investigate the relationship between hedonic shop** values and loyalty
towards small retailers. Furthermore, it examines how trust moderates the relationship …
towards small retailers. Furthermore, it examines how trust moderates the relationship …