Hierarchical decision rules mining
Q Feng, D Miao, Y Cheng - Expert systems with applications, 2010 - Elsevier
Decision rules mining is an important technique in machine learning and data mining. It has
been studied intensively during the past few years. However, most existing algorithms are …
been studied intensively during the past few years. However, most existing algorithms are …
[PDF][PDF] Big Data en Salud: retos y oportunidades
La informatización de los procesos ha provocado que empresas y organizaciones de todo
tipo hayan acumulado una cantidad ingente de datos. Esto nos ha llevado a denominar los …
tipo hayan acumulado una cantidad ingente de datos. Esto nos ha llevado a denominar los …
A fast pruning redundant rule method using Galois connection
H Liu, L Liu, H Zhang - Applied Soft Computing, 2011 - Elsevier
Besides preprocessing, post-analysis also plays an important role in knowledge discovery. It
can effectively assist users to grasp the obtained knowledge. However, many of data mining …
can effectively assist users to grasp the obtained knowledge. However, many of data mining …
AS Al-Mudimigh, F Saleem, Z Ullah - 2009 - academia.edu
As Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation has become more popular and
suitable for every business organization, it has become a essential factor for the success of a …
suitable for every business organization, it has become a essential factor for the success of a …
[PDF][PDF] Ant-based extraction of rules in simple decision systems over ontological graphs
In the paper, the problem of extraction of complex decision rules in simple decision systems
over ontological graphs is considered. The extracted rules are consistent with the …
over ontological graphs is considered. The extracted rules are consistent with the …
Probability apriori based approach to mine rare association rules
SS Rawat, L Rajamani - 2011 3rd Conference on Data Mining …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
It is a difficult task to set rare association rules to handle unpredictable items since
approaches such as apriori algorithm and frequent pattern-growth, a single minimum …
approaches such as apriori algorithm and frequent pattern-growth, a single minimum …
[PDF][PDF] Efficient rule set generation using rough set theory for classification of high dimensional data
P Gogoi, R Das, B Borah… - International Journal of …, 2011 - researchgate.net
In this paper, a rough set theory (RST) based approach is proposed to mine concise rules
from inconsistent data. The approach deals with inconsistent data. At first, it computes the …
from inconsistent data. The approach deals with inconsistent data. At first, it computes the …
Analysis of DDoS attack and countermeasure: Survey
S Hong - Journal of digital convergence, 2014 - koreascience.kr
DDoS attacks is upgrade of DoS attacks. Botnet is being used by DDoS attack, so it is able to
attack a millions of PCs at one time. DDoS attacks find the root the cause of the attack …
attack a millions of PCs at one time. DDoS attacks find the root the cause of the attack …
Utilisation of payment instruments at a retail chain in Gauteng
AM Bester, S Bronkhorst - Acta Commercii, 2015 - journals.co.za
Purpose: The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of race and income on
the preferred payment instrument at pay points in a retail store in Pretoria Gauteng. Problem …
the preferred payment instrument at pay points in a retail store in Pretoria Gauteng. Problem …
A Case Study on Generating Eco-Conscious Office Building Designs Using a Data-Informed Optimization Framework
G Karoji - 2023 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The scrap-and-build design culture (the culture favoring knocking down and re-building
buildings rather than remodeling, renovating, or re-using) has often been criticized in …
buildings rather than remodeling, renovating, or re-using) has often been criticized in …