Hierarchical decision rules mining

Q Feng, D Miao, Y Cheng - Expert systems with applications, 2010 - Elsevier
Decision rules mining is an important technique in machine learning and data mining. It has
been studied intensively during the past few years. However, most existing algorithms are …

[PDF][PDF] Big Data en Salud: retos y oportunidades

E Menasalvas, C Gonzalo… - Economía …, 2017 - mintur.gob.es
La informatización de los procesos ha provocado que empresas y organizaciones de todo
tipo hayan acumulado una cantidad ingente de datos. Esto nos ha llevado a denominar los …

A fast pruning redundant rule method using Galois connection

H Liu, L Liu, H Zhang - Applied Soft Computing, 2011 - Elsevier
Besides preprocessing, post-analysis also plays an important role in knowledge discovery. It
can effectively assist users to grasp the obtained knowledge. However, many of data mining …


AS Al-Mudimigh, F Saleem, Z Ullah - 2009 - academia.edu
As Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation has become more popular and
suitable for every business organization, it has become a essential factor for the success of a …

[PDF][PDF] Ant-based extraction of rules in simple decision systems over ontological graphs

K Pancerz, A Lewicki, R Tadeusiewicz - International Journal of …, 2015 - sciendo.com
In the paper, the problem of extraction of complex decision rules in simple decision systems
over ontological graphs is considered. The extracted rules are consistent with the …

Probability apriori based approach to mine rare association rules

SS Rawat, L Rajamani - 2011 3rd Conference on Data Mining …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
It is a difficult task to set rare association rules to handle unpredictable items since
approaches such as apriori algorithm and frequent pattern-growth, a single minimum …

[PDF][PDF] Efficient rule set generation using rough set theory for classification of high dimensional data

P Gogoi, R Das, B Borah… - International Journal of …, 2011 - researchgate.net
In this paper, a rough set theory (RST) based approach is proposed to mine concise rules
from inconsistent data. The approach deals with inconsistent data. At first, it computes the …

Analysis of DDoS attack and countermeasure: Survey

S Hong - Journal of digital convergence, 2014 - koreascience.kr
DDoS attacks is upgrade of DoS attacks. Botnet is being used by DDoS attack, so it is able to
attack a millions of PCs at one time. DDoS attacks find the root the cause of the attack …

Utilisation of payment instruments at a retail chain in Gauteng

AM Bester, S Bronkhorst - Acta Commercii, 2015 - journals.co.za
Purpose: The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of race and income on
the preferred payment instrument at pay points in a retail store in Pretoria Gauteng. Problem …

A Case Study on Generating Eco-Conscious Office Building Designs Using a Data-Informed Optimization Framework

G Karoji - 2023 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The scrap-and-build design culture (the culture favoring knocking down and re-building
buildings rather than remodeling, renovating, or re-using) has often been criticized in …