Progression to corticobasal syndrome: a longitudinal study of patients with nonfluent primary progressive aphasia and primary progressive apraxia of speech

DP Garcia-Guaqueta, H Botha, RL Utianski, JR Duffy… - Journal of …, 2024 - Springer
Background and objectives Nonfluent variant primary progressive aphasia (nfvPPA) and
primary progressive apraxia of speech (PPAOS) can be precursors to corticobasal syndrome …

Speech motor profiles in primary progressive aphasia

A Staiger, ML Schroeter, W Ziegler, D Pino… - American Journal of …, 2023 -
Purpose: Previous research on motor speech disorders (MSDs) in primary progressive
aphasia (PPA) has largely focused on patients with the nonfluent/agrammatic variant of PPA …

もやもや病による右前頭葉の脳梗塞で発語失行と文法障害を呈した交叉性失語の 1 例

目黒祐子, 松田実, 佐藤健一… - 高次脳機能研究 (旧 失語症 …, 2023 -
抄録 もやもや病による右前頭葉の脳梗塞で言語障害と視空間認知障害を呈した症例を報告した.
本例の言語障害は, ① プロソディ障害を主症状とする発語失行と ② 助詞の脱落や誤用 …