Cone penetration test based direct methods for evaluating static axial capacity of single piles

FS Niazi, PW Mayne - Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 2013 - Springer
The direct cone penetration test (CPT) based pile design methods use the measured
penetrometer readings by scaling relationships or algorithms in a single-step process to …

Science and empiricism in pile foundation design

MF Randolph - Géotechnique, 2003 -
Scientific approaches to pile design have advanced enormously in recent decades and yet,
still, the most fundamental aspect of pile design—that of estimating the axial capacity—relies …

[Књига][B] ICP design methods for driven piles in sands and clays

R Jardine, F Chow, R Overy, J Standing - 2005 -
All rights, including translation, reserved. Except as permitted by the Copyright, Designs and
Patents Act 1988, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system …

Piles for offshore wind turbines: a state-of-the-art review

K Gavin, D Igoe, P Doherty - … of the institution of civil engineers …, 2011 -
The paper considers the current state of the art for estimating the pull-out capacity of driven
open-ended piles used to support wind turbine foundations founded on sand. The latest …

[PDF][PDF] The UWA-05 method for prediction of axial capacity of driven piles in sand

BM Lehane, JA Schneider, X Xu - Proc., 1st Int. Symp. on Frontiers …, 2005 -
This paper describes a new method for evaluating the axial capacity of driven piles in
siliceous sand using CPT qc data. The method is shown to provide better predictions than …

DEM analysis of the plugging effect of open-ended pile during the installation process

L Li, W Wu, H Liu, B Lehane - Ocean Engineering, 2021 - Elsevier
Mechanisms governing the sand plug behavior inside an open-ended pile are examined
using the discrete element method. A series of numerical pile penetration tests have been …

Behavior of open-and closed-ended piles driven into sands

K Paik, R Salgado, J Lee, B Kim - Journal of Geotechnical and …, 2003 -
Both the driving response and static bearing capacity of open-ended piles are affected by
the soil plug that forms inside the pile during pile driving. In order to investigate the effect of …

Determination of bearing capacity of open-ended piles in sand

K Paik, R Salgado - Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental …, 2003 -
The bearing capacity of open-ended piles is affected by the degree of soil plugging, which is
quantified by the incremental filling ratio (IFR). There is not at present a design criterion for …

Experimental Development of the Relationship for Large-Diameter Offshore Monopiles in Sands: Centrifuge Tests

YW Choo, D Kim - Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental …, 2016 -
The validity of using the existing numerical py methods [American Petroleum Institute (API)
and Reese methods] for the design of offshore wind turbines' large-diameter monopiles in …

[HTML][HTML] DEM study of particle scale effect on plain and rotary jacked pile behaviour in granular materials

B Cerfontaine, MO Ciantia, MJ Brown, DJ White… - Computers and …, 2023 - Elsevier
The capacity of open-ended piles strongly depends on the potential plugging occurring
during installation. The Discrete Element Method (DEM) is particularly suitable to the study …