Learning from others is good, with others is better: the role of social interaction in human acquisition of new knowledge
Learning in humans is highly embedded in social interaction: since the very early stages of
our lives, we form memories and acquire knowledge about the world from and with others …
our lives, we form memories and acquire knowledge about the world from and with others …
Attention and emotion: An integrative review of emotional face processing as a function of attention
Paying attention to faces is of special interest for humans as well as for scientific research.
The experimental manipulation of facial information offers an ecologically valid approach to …
The experimental manipulation of facial information offers an ecologically valid approach to …
THINGS-data, a multimodal collection of large-scale datasets for investigating object representations in human brain and behavior
Understanding object representations requires a broad, comprehensive sampling of the
objects in our visual world with dense measurements of brain activity and behavior. Here …
objects in our visual world with dense measurements of brain activity and behavior. Here …
Wearable and Implantable Cortisol‐Sensing Electronics for Stress Monitoring
Cortisol is a steroid hormone that is released from the body in response to stress. Although a
moderate level of cortisol secretion can help the body maintain homeostasis, excessive …
moderate level of cortisol secretion can help the body maintain homeostasis, excessive …
Social cognition in schizophrenia
Individuals with schizophrenia exhibit impaired social cognition, which manifests as
difficulties in identifying emotions, feeing connected to others, inferring people's thoughts …
difficulties in identifying emotions, feeing connected to others, inferring people's thoughts …
[HTML][HTML] The steady-state visual evoked potential in vision research: A review
Periodic visual stimulation and analysis of the resulting steady-state visual evoked potentials
were first introduced over 80 years ago as a means to study visual sensation and …
were first introduced over 80 years ago as a means to study visual sensation and …
Emotion perception from face, voice, and touch: comparisons and convergence
Historically, research on emotion perception has focused on facial expressions, and findings
from this modality have come to dominate our thinking about other modalities. Here we …
from this modality have come to dominate our thinking about other modalities. Here we …
Seeing it all: Convolutional network layers map the function of the human visual system
Convolutional networks used for computer vision represent candidate models for the
computations performed in mammalian visual systems. We use them as a detailed model of …
computations performed in mammalian visual systems. We use them as a detailed model of …
N170 sensitivity to facial expression: A meta-analysis
The N170 component is the most important electrophysiological index of face processing.
Early studies concluded that it was insensitive to facial expression, thus supporting dual …
Early studies concluded that it was insensitive to facial expression, thus supporting dual …
Resolving human object recognition in space and time
A comprehensive picture of object processing in the human brain requires combining both
spatial and temporal information about brain activity. Here we acquired human …
spatial and temporal information about brain activity. Here we acquired human …