Contextual factors of disruptive innovation: A systematic review and framework
Since its inception over two decades ago, the theory of disruptive innovation has sparked
heated discussions. Especially because of the increasing importance of societal influences …
heated discussions. Especially because of the increasing importance of societal influences …
A systematic literature review of constraint-based innovations: State of the art and future perspectives
The past two decades have seen a tremendous growth in innovation processes conceived
under scarcity conditions with special focus on emerging markets and bottom of the pyramid …
under scarcity conditions with special focus on emerging markets and bottom of the pyramid …
Peluang dan tantangan sumber daya manusia di era disrupsi
L Muliawaty - Kebijakan: Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi, 2019 - journal.unpas.ac.id
Era dekade saat ini telah terjadi banyak perubahan mendasar pada berbagai sektor, antara
lain ekonomi, teknologi, dan politik. Bahkan krisis ekonomi yang belakangan terjadi telah …
lain ekonomi, teknologi, dan politik. Bahkan krisis ekonomi yang belakangan terjadi telah …
Develo** disruptive innovations for sustainability: A review on Impact of Internet of Things (IOT)
Demands towards sustainable choices in business operations are increasing and more
influential solutions are required. This means changes and development of innovations that …
influential solutions are required. This means changes and development of innovations that …
Innovation and international business: A systematic literature review
IA Fernández - Heliyon, 2023 - cell.com
Introduction Innovation and international business are essential to achieve competitive
advantages in currently unforeseen business environments. Today's company seeks …
advantages in currently unforeseen business environments. Today's company seeks …
Strategies of unicorn startups: How these positive deviants compare to early-stage and Fortune 500 ventures
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to begin to explore the strategic priorities of unicorn
ventures as pursuers of market disruption. This study approaches this task by drawing on the …
ventures as pursuers of market disruption. This study approaches this task by drawing on the …
[HTML][HTML] Disruptive innovation in the context of retailing: digital trends and the internationalization of the Yiwu Commodity Market
W Liu, S Si - Sustainability, 2022 - mdpi.com
The prevalence of disruptive innovation practices, enabled by the advancement of digital
technologies, has greatly changed the way SMEs innovate and the competitive landscape of …
technologies, has greatly changed the way SMEs innovate and the competitive landscape of …
[KNYGA][B] Leading and managing change in the age of disruption and artificial intelligence
M Donald - 2019 - emerald.com
Bekker, MC (2015). Project governance: The definition and leadership dilemma. Procedia
Social and Behavioral Sciences, 194 (C), 33–43. doi: 10.1016/j. sbspro. 2015.06. 117 …
Social and Behavioral Sciences, 194 (C), 33–43. doi: 10.1016/j. sbspro. 2015.06. 117 …
Market-oriented business model for SMEs' disruptive innovations internationalization
A Sundström, AS Hyder, EH Chowdhury - Marketing Intelligence & …, 2021 - emerald.com
Purpose The aim of this study is to develop and evaluate a market-oriented business model
(MOBM) and analyze how it contributes to internationalization of SMEs' disruptive …
(MOBM) and analyze how it contributes to internationalization of SMEs' disruptive …
International business and organizational innovation: an agenda for future research
Purpose Organizational innovation (OI) is important for multinational enterprises to adapt to
changes in their broader technological and market environments. Despite its power to …
changes in their broader technological and market environments. Despite its power to …