Fatigue crack nucleation: Mechanistic modelling across the length scales
FPE Dunne - Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science, 2014 - Elsevier
This paper presents an assessment of recent literature on the mechanistic understanding of
fatigue crack nucleation and the associated modelling techniques employed. In particular …
fatigue crack nucleation and the associated modelling techniques employed. In particular …
Microstructure-sensitive computational modeling of fatigue crack formation
Recent trends towards simulation of the cyclic slip behavior of polycrystalline and polyphase
microstructures of advanced engineering alloys subjected to cyclic loading are facilitating …
microstructures of advanced engineering alloys subjected to cyclic loading are facilitating …
A stored energy criterion for fatigue crack nucleation in polycrystals
A series of microstructurally-differing, large-grained, notched, polycrystal BCC ferritic steel
bend test samples have been analysed to extract the experimentally observed sites of …
bend test samples have been analysed to extract the experimentally observed sites of …
The synergetic effects of shot peening and laser-shot peening on the microstructural evolution and fatigue performance of a medium carbon steel
The synergetic effect of shot peening (SP) and laser shot peening (LSP) on the fatigue
behavior of a medium carbon steel was investigated. A fatigue life transition was observed in …
behavior of a medium carbon steel was investigated. A fatigue life transition was observed in …
Microstructure-sensitive extreme value probabilities for high cycle fatigue of Ni-base superalloy IN100
CP Przybyla, DL McDowell - International Journal of Plasticity, 2010 - Elsevier
To quantify the effects of interactions between various microstructure attributes on fatigue life
in the high cycle fatigue (HCF) regime, we have proposed a new microstructure-sensitive …
in the high cycle fatigue (HCF) regime, we have proposed a new microstructure-sensitive …
The role of elastic anisotropy, length scale and crystallographic slip in fatigue crack nucleation
CA Sweeney, W Vorster, SB Leen, E Sakurada… - Journal of the …, 2013 - Elsevier
Fatigue crack nucleation in polycrystal ferritic steel is investigated through experimental
observation of multiple large-grained, notched, four-point bend tests combined with explicit …
observation of multiple large-grained, notched, four-point bend tests combined with explicit …
Microstructure and mesh sensitivities of mesoscale surrogate driving force measures for transgranular fatigue cracks in polycrystals
The number of cycles required to form and grow microstructurally small fatigue cracks in
metals exhibits substantial variability, particularly for low applied strain amplitudes. This …
metals exhibits substantial variability, particularly for low applied strain amplitudes. This …
Simulated effects of sample size and grain neighborhood on the modeling of extreme value fatigue response
Assessing the size of representative volume elements (RVEs) for fatigue-related
applications is challenging. A RVE relevant to random microstructure requires a volume of …
applications is challenging. A RVE relevant to random microstructure requires a volume of …
Investigations of micro-notch effect on small fatigue crack initiation behaviour in nickel-based alloy GH4169: Experiments and simulations
Small fatigue crack initiation behaviour in a series of specimens containing different sizes of
micro-notch has been observed through RepliSet system during interrupted low cycle …
micro-notch has been observed through RepliSet system during interrupted low cycle …
Deformation localization and dislocation channel dynamics in neutron-irradiated austenitic stainless steels
The dynamics of deformation localization and dislocation channel formation were
investigated in situ in a neutron-irradiated AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel and a model …
investigated in situ in a neutron-irradiated AISI 304 austenitic stainless steel and a model …