Advancing equity in access to school mental health through multiple informant decision-making
N von der Embse, A De Los Reyes - Journal of School Psychology, 2024 - Elsevier
There has been a substantial increase in the number of students with mental health needs,
yet significant discrepancies exist in access to timely intervention. Traditional gatekee** to …
yet significant discrepancies exist in access to timely intervention. Traditional gatekee** to …
Changing the landscape of social emotional learning in urban schools: What are we currently focusing on and where do we go from here?
TN Barnes - The Urban Review, 2019 - Springer
This study provides a systematic review of the use of social emotional learning (SEL)
interventions in urban schools over the last 20 years. I summarize the types of interventions …
interventions in urban schools over the last 20 years. I summarize the types of interventions …
[КНИГА][B] Social and emotional learning in the classroom: Promoting mental health and academic success
BA Gueldner, LL Feuerborn, KW Merrell - 2020 -
This trusted resource--now in a thoroughly updated second edition reflecting the
tremendous growth of the field--provides a best-practice guide to planning and …
tremendous growth of the field--provides a best-practice guide to planning and …
[КНИГА][B] Behavioral, social, and emotional assessment of children and adolescents
S Whitcomb - 2013 -
Generally recognized as the standard work in its field, Behavioral, Social, and Emotional
Assessment of Children and Adolescents provides a comprehensive foundation and guide …
Assessment of Children and Adolescents provides a comprehensive foundation and guide …
Preliminary development and validation of the social and emotional health survey for secondary school students
This study reports on the preliminary development and validation of the Social and
Emotional Health Survey (SEHS) with a sample of 4,189 (51% female) California students in …
Emotional Health Survey (SEHS) with a sample of 4,189 (51% female) California students in …
Character strengths interventions: Building on what we know for improved outcomes
For this review strengths intervention studies were located using online searches and
collegial networks and included if they explicitly sought to teach or use a strengths …
collegial networks and included if they explicitly sought to teach or use a strengths …
Engagement as flourishing: The contribution of positive emotions and co** to adolescents' engagement at school and with learning
Abstract Fredrickson's (1998, 2001) broaden and build theory postulates that the experience
of frequent positive emotions serves to broaden humans' thoughts and behaviors, resulting …
of frequent positive emotions serves to broaden humans' thoughts and behaviors, resulting …
[КНИГА][B] Handbook of positive psychology in schools
MJ Furlong, R Gilman, ES Huebner - 2014 -
There is much agreement that positive youth development takes place in families, peer
groups, and out-home contexts, such as schools (Gilman, Huebner, & Buckman, 2008) …
groups, and out-home contexts, such as schools (Gilman, Huebner, & Buckman, 2008) …
An analysis of hope as a psychological strength
MF Valle, ES Huebner, SM Suldo - Journal of school psychology, 2006 - Elsevier
Psychologists have placed an increased emphasis on identifying psychological strengths
that foster healthy development. Hope, as operationalized in Snyder's hope theory Snyder …
that foster healthy development. Hope, as operationalized in Snyder's hope theory Snyder …
The role of life satisfaction in predicting student engagement and achievement
AL Heffner, SP Antaramian - Journal of Happiness Studies, 2016 - Springer
Much research has investigated how individual components of subjective well-being (eg, life
satisfaction, positive affect, negative affect) influence adolescent functioning. Little is known …
satisfaction, positive affect, negative affect) influence adolescent functioning. Little is known …