Adaptive inference through early-exit networks: Design, challenges and directions
DNNs are becoming less and less over-parametrised due to recent advances in efficient
model design, through careful hand-crafted or NAS-based methods. Relying on the fact that …
model design, through careful hand-crafted or NAS-based methods. Relying on the fact that …
Rethinking bisenet for real-time semantic segmentation
BiSeNet has been proved to be a popular two-stream network for real-time segmentation.
However, its principle of adding an extra path to encode spatial information is time …
However, its principle of adding an extra path to encode spatial information is time …
PIDNet: A real-time semantic segmentation network inspired by PID controllers
Two-branch network architecture has shown its efficiency and effectiveness in real-time
semantic segmentation tasks. However, direct fusion of high-resolution details and low …
semantic segmentation tasks. However, direct fusion of high-resolution details and low …
Hyperseg: Patch-wise hypernetwork for real-time semantic segmentation
We present a novel, real-time, semantic segmentation network in which the encoder both
encodes and generates the parameters (weights) of the decoder. Furthermore, to allow …
encodes and generates the parameters (weights) of the decoder. Furthermore, to allow …
UrbanLF: A comprehensive light field dataset for semantic segmentation of urban scenes
As one of the fundamental technologies for scene understanding, semantic segmentation
has been widely explored in the last few years. Light field cameras encode the geometric …
has been widely explored in the last few years. Light field cameras encode the geometric …
A survey on deep learning technique for video segmentation
Video segmentation—partitioning video frames into multiple segments or objects—plays a
critical role in a broad range of practical applications, from enhancing visual effects in movie …
critical role in a broad range of practical applications, from enhancing visual effects in movie …
Video k-net: A simple, strong, and unified baseline for video segmentation
This paper presents Video K-Net, a simple, strong, and unified framework for fully end-to-
end video panoptic segmentation. The method is built upon K-Net, a method that unifies …
end video panoptic segmentation. The method is built upon K-Net, a method that unifies …
Large-scale video panoptic segmentation in the wild: A benchmark
In this paper, we present a new large-scale dataset for the video panoptic segmentation
task, which aims to assign semantic classes and track identities to all pixels in a video. As …
task, which aims to assign semantic classes and track identities to all pixels in a video. As …
Adashare: Learning what to share for efficient deep multi-task learning
Multi-task learning is an open and challenging problem in computer vision. The typical way
of conducting multi-task learning with deep neural networks is either through handcrafted …
of conducting multi-task learning with deep neural networks is either through handcrafted …
Highly accurate dichotomous image segmentation
We present a systematic study on a new task called dichotomous image segmentation (DIS),
which aims to segment highly accurate objects from natural images. To this end, we …
which aims to segment highly accurate objects from natural images. To this end, we …