Cold seep systems in the South China Sea: An overview
Three decades after the discovery of cold seep systems, various sites of hydrocarbon
seepage have been found in the South China Sea (SCS). Over the past decade, these sites …
seepage have been found in the South China Sea (SCS). Over the past decade, these sites …
Trace elements in methane-seep carbonates: Potentials, limitations, and perspectives
Marine authigenic carbonates form shallow-water microbialites, mud mounds, and
hydrocarbon-seep deposits and contain appreciable amounts of trace elements that yield …
hydrocarbon-seep deposits and contain appreciable amounts of trace elements that yield …
Authigenic carbonates from newly discovered active cold seeps on the northwestern slope of the South China Sea: Constraints on fluid sources, formation …
Authigenic carbonates recovered from two newly discovered active cold seeps on the
northwestern slope of the South China Sea have been studied using petrography …
northwestern slope of the South China Sea have been studied using petrography …
Characteristics and dynamics of gas hydrate systems in the northwestern South China Sea-results of the fifth gas hydrate drilling expedition
Abstract In 2018, Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey conducted the fifth gas hydrate
drilling expedition (GMGS5) in the northwestern continental slope of South China Sea. We …
drilling expedition (GMGS5) in the northwestern continental slope of South China Sea. We …
Microbial ecology of sulfur cycling near the sulfate–methane transition of deep‐sea cold seep sediments
Microbial sulfate reduction is largely associated with anaerobic methane oxidation and
alkane degradation in sulfate–methane transition zone (SMTZ) of deep‐sea cold seeps …
alkane degradation in sulfate–methane transition zone (SMTZ) of deep‐sea cold seeps …
Evidence of intense methane seepages from molybdenum enrichments in gas hydrate-bearing sediments of the northern South China Sea
The application of molybdenum (Mo) enrichment to sediments can potentially provide
unique constraints on the methane seepage dynamics at continental margins. We report …
unique constraints on the methane seepage dynamics at continental margins. We report …
[HTML][HTML] Macro-ecology of cold seeps in the South China Sea
After nearly 20 years of exploration, various areas of the seafloor with hydrocarbon seepage
have been discovered in the South China Sea (SCS). Through linking subsurface and …
have been discovered in the South China Sea (SCS). Through linking subsurface and …
Ecological characterization of cold-seep epifauna in the South China Sea
Site F, an active cold seep situated on the northeastern continental slope of the South China
Sea (SCS), has not been systematically surveyed since its first discovery in 2007. Here we …
Sea (SCS), has not been systematically surveyed since its first discovery in 2007. Here we …
Marine cold seeps: background and recent advances
Marine cold seeps are windows into different depth levels of the submerged geosphere.
Subduction zones and organic-rich passive margins host most of the world's cold seeps. The …
Subduction zones and organic-rich passive margins host most of the world's cold seeps. The …
Using Bathymodiolus tissue stable carbon, nitrogen and sulfur isotopes to infer biogeochemical process at a cold seep in the South China Sea
More than 30 sites of active and inactive methane seepage have been discovered on the
continental slope of the South China Sea over the past decade. Here we use stable isotopes …
continental slope of the South China Sea over the past decade. Here we use stable isotopes …