SIFT meets CNN: A decade survey of instance retrieval
In the early days, content-based image retrieval (CBIR) was studied with global features.
Since 2003, image retrieval based on local descriptors (de facto SIFT) has been extensively …
Since 2003, image retrieval based on local descriptors (de facto SIFT) has been extensively …
Deep learning for logo detection: A survey
Logo detection has gradually become a research hotspot in the field of computer vision and
multimedia for its various applications, such as social media monitoring, intelligent …
multimedia for its various applications, such as social media monitoring, intelligent …
Deep learning for logo recognition
In this paper we propose a method for logo recognition using deep learning. Our recognition
pipeline is composed of a logo region proposal followed by a Convolutional Neural Network …
pipeline is composed of a logo region proposal followed by a Convolutional Neural Network …
Logodet-3k: A large-scale image dataset for logo detection
Logo detection has been gaining considerable attention because of its wide range of
applications in the multimedia field, such as copyright infringement detection, brand visibility …
applications in the multimedia field, such as copyright infringement detection, brand visibility …
Words matter: Scene text for image classification and retrieval
Text in natural images typically adds meaning to an object or scene. In particular, text
specifies which business places serve drinks (eg, cafe, teahouse) or food (eg, restaurant …
specifies which business places serve drinks (eg, cafe, teahouse) or food (eg, restaurant …
Deep learning logo detection with data expansion by synthesising context
Logo detection in unconstrained images is challenging, particularly when only very sparse
labelled training images are accessible due to high labelling costs. In this work, we describe …
labelled training images are accessible due to high labelling costs. In this work, we describe …
Database saliency for fast image retrieval
The bag-of-visual-words (BoW) model is effective for representing images and videos in
many computer vision problems, and achieves promising performance in image retrieval …
many computer vision problems, and achieves promising performance in image retrieval …
Open logo detection challenge
Existing logo detection benchmarks consider artificial deployment scenarios by assuming
that large training data with fine-grained bounding box annotations for each class are …
that large training data with fine-grained bounding box annotations for each class are …
Foodlogodet-1500: A dataset for large-scale food logo detection via multi-scale feature decoupling network
Food logo detection plays an important role in the multimedia for its wide real-world
applications, such as food recommendation of the self-service shop and infringement …
applications, such as food recommendation of the self-service shop and infringement …
Weblogo-2m: Scalable logo detection by deep learning from the web
Existing logo detection methods usually consider a small number of logo classes and limited
images per class with a strong assumption of requiring tedious object bounding box …
images per class with a strong assumption of requiring tedious object bounding box …