A new approach to geostatistical synthesis of historical records reveals capuchin spatial responses to climate and demographic change
Recent proliferation of GPS technology has transformed animal movement research. Yet,
time‐series data from this recent technology rarely span beyond a decade, constraining …
time‐series data from this recent technology rarely span beyond a decade, constraining …
Comparing acoustic and satellite telemetry: an analysis quantifying the space use of Chelonia mydas in Bimini, Bahamas
Passive acoustic and Argos satellite telemetry are common methods for tracking marine
species and are often used similarly to quantify space use. However, data-driven …
species and are often used similarly to quantify space use. However, data-driven …
Abundance of the northernmost jaguar Panthera onca breeding population
SA Amador-Alcalá, JF Valenzuela-Amarillas… - Animal Biodiversity and …, 2024 - raco.cat
Abundancia de la población reproductiva más septentrional de jaguar Panthera oncaEl
jaguar es el depredador apical de los ecosistemas tropicales y subtropicales en las …
jaguar es el depredador apical de los ecosistemas tropicales y subtropicales en las …
Understanding the home range characteristics of the first naturally bred pair of crested ibis(Nipponia nippon) released into the natural habitat
S Lee, C Oh, B Cho, Y Han - BMC zoology, 2024 - Springer
Background The crested ibis, a species that relies on wetland ecosystems for survival, was
once found throughout East Asia but has declined to near extinction in Korea, Russia, and …
once found throughout East Asia but has declined to near extinction in Korea, Russia, and …
A comparison of home range estimates using the time local convex hull (T‐LoCoH) and minimum convex polygon (MCP) methods for African savannah elephants in a …
Abstract Knowledge of home ranges (HRs) helps conservationists understand movement
patterns and can aid management including avoidance of human‐wildlife conflicts. This …
patterns and can aid management including avoidance of human‐wildlife conflicts. This …