[HTML][HTML] Fluid evolution from extension to compression in the Pyrenean Fold Belt and Basque-Cantabrian Basin: A review
We propose a review to discuss the large number of studies dealing with the fluid history in
extensional and compressional sedimentary basins that evolved along the Iberian-Eurasian …
extensional and compressional sedimentary basins that evolved along the Iberian-Eurasian …
How the geochemistry of syn-kinematic calcite cement depicts past fluid flow and assists structural interpretations: a review of concepts and applications in orogenic …
Orogenic forelands host interactions between deformation and static or migrating fluids.
Given their accessibility and dimensions, these areas are not only historic landmarks for …
Given their accessibility and dimensions, these areas are not only historic landmarks for …
[HTML][HTML] Spatio-temporal variation of fluid flow behavior along a fold: the Bóixols-Sant Corneli anticline (Southern Pyrenees) from U–Pb dating and structural …
This study integrates field structural data, petrographic and geochemical (δ 18 O, δ 13 C, Δ
47, 87 Sr/86 Sr, and elemental composition) analyses and U–Pb dating of calcite veins …
47, 87 Sr/86 Sr, and elemental composition) analyses and U–Pb dating of calcite veins …
On the distribution of fluids in folds: A review of controlling factors and processes
Growing macroscale fold structures are one of the most dynamic and complex systems in
geology, where during fold growth pore fluid pressure, fluid temperature, and fluid …
geology, where during fold growth pore fluid pressure, fluid temperature, and fluid …
Incidence and importance of tectonics and natural fluid migration on reservoir evolution in foreland fold-and-thrust belts
F Roure, R Swennen, F Schneider… - Oil & Gas Science …, 2005 - ogst.ifpenergiesnouvelles.fr
Integrated structural-petrographic-magnetic-basin modeling case studies in numerous
foreland fold-and-thrust belts provided key information on the critical parameters and …
foreland fold-and-thrust belts provided key information on the critical parameters and …
Crustal‐scale fluid flow during the tectonic evolution of the Bighorn Basin (Wyoming, USA)
Stable isotope measurements (O, C, Sr), microthermometry and salinity measurements of
fluid inclusions from different fracture populations in several anticlines of the Sevier …
fluid inclusions from different fracture populations in several anticlines of the Sevier …
Fracture-controlled paleohydrology in a map-scale detachment fold: Insights from the analysis of fluid inclusions in calcite and quartz veins
This study uses fluid inclusions in quartz and calcite veins to characterize the fracture-
controlled paleohydrology of a map-scale, evaporite-cored detachment fold in the Sierra …
controlled paleohydrology of a map-scale, evaporite-cored detachment fold in the Sierra …
From outcrop and petrographic studies to basin-scale fluid flow modelling: The use of the Albanian natural laboratory for carbonate reservoir characterisation
The Albanian fold-and-thrust belt and the Peri-Adriatic Depression are well documented by
means of seismic reflection profiles, GPS reference points, potential data, wells and …
means of seismic reflection profiles, GPS reference points, potential data, wells and …
[HTML][HTML] Regional-scale paleofluid system across the Tuscan Nappe–Umbria–Marche Apennine Ridge (northern Apennines) as revealed by mesostructural and …
We report the results of a multiproxy study that combines structural analysis of a fracture–
stylolite network and isotopic characterization of calcite vein cements and/or fault coating …
stylolite network and isotopic characterization of calcite vein cements and/or fault coating …
Changing fluid conditions during folding: An example from the central Appalachians
Fluids inclusion microthermometry and stable isotope analyses of vein minerals in the
central Appalachian Patterson Creek anticline record dynamic changes in fluid temperature …
central Appalachian Patterson Creek anticline record dynamic changes in fluid temperature …