Nanostructured materials for photothermal carbon dioxide hydrogenation: regulating solar utilization and catalytic performance
Converting carbon dioxide (CO2) into value-added fuels or chemicals through photothermal
catalytic CO2 hydrogenation is a promising approach to alleviate the energy shortage and …
catalytic CO2 hydrogenation is a promising approach to alleviate the energy shortage and …
Current developments in esterification reaction: A review on process and parameters
Esters are among the highest volume of industrial organic compounds produced. They are
frequently employed in various domestic and industrial processes. Fischer esterification …
frequently employed in various domestic and industrial processes. Fischer esterification …
Computational methods in heterogeneous catalysis
The unprecedented ability of computations to probe atomic-level details of catalytic systems
holds immense promise for the fundamentals-based bottom-up design of novel …
holds immense promise for the fundamentals-based bottom-up design of novel …
The promise of artificial intelligence in chemical engineering: Is it here, finally?
V Venkatasubramanian - AIChE Journal, 2019 - search.ebscohost.com
The article discusses the presence and potential of Artificial Intelligence in Chemical
Engineering and discusses its background. Topics include the Phases of Artificial …
Engineering and discusses its background. Topics include the Phases of Artificial …
[HTML][HTML] Evolution paths from gray to turquoise hydrogen via catalytic steam methane reforming: Current challenges and future developments
Fossil fuel depletion, global warming, climate change, and steep hikes in the price of fuel are
driving scientists to investigate commercial and environmentally friendly energy carriers like …
driving scientists to investigate commercial and environmentally friendly energy carriers like …
3D printing in chemical engineering and catalytic technology: structured catalysts, mixers and reactors
C Parra-Cabrera, C Achille, S Kuhn… - Chemical Society …, 2018 - pubs.rsc.org
Computer-aided fabrication technologies combined with simulation and data processing
approaches are changing our way of manufacturing and designing functional objects. Also …
approaches are changing our way of manufacturing and designing functional objects. Also …
Machine learning for renewable energy materials
Achieving the 2016 Paris agreement goal of limiting global warming below 2° C and
securing a sustainable energy future require materials innovations in renewable energy …
securing a sustainable energy future require materials innovations in renewable energy …
Review of Pt-based bimetallic catalysis: from model surfaces to supported catalysts
The field of heterogeneous catalysis, specifically catalysis on bimetallic alloys, has seen
many advances over the past few decades. Bimetallic catalysts, which often show electronic …
many advances over the past few decades. Bimetallic catalysts, which often show electronic …
Theoretical heterogeneous catalysis: scaling relationships and computational catalyst design
J Greeley - Annual review of chemical and biomolecular …, 2016 - annualreviews.org
Scaling relationships are theoretical constructs that relate the binding energies of a wide
variety of catalytic intermediates across a range of catalyst surfaces. Such relationships are …
variety of catalytic intermediates across a range of catalyst surfaces. Such relationships are …
Progress in accurate chemical kinetic modeling, simulations, and parameter estimation for heterogeneous catalysis
Chemical kinetic modeling in heterogeneous catalysis is advancing in its ability to provide
qualitatively or even quantitatively accurate prediction of real-world behavior because of …
qualitatively or even quantitatively accurate prediction of real-world behavior because of …