[HTML][HTML] Advances in research on bioactivity, toxicity, metabolism, and pharmacokinetics of usnic acid in vitro and in vivo

H Wang, M Xuan, C Huang, C Wang - Molecules, 2022 - mdpi.com
Lichens are among the most widely distributed plants on earth and have the longest growth
cycle. Usnic acid is an abundant characteristic secondary metabolite of lichens and the …

Snub‐nosed monkeys: Multilevel societies across varied environments

RC Kirkpatrick, CC Grueter - Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
The ecology and behavior of the four species of Rhinopithecus, snub‐nosed monkeys, are
rapidly becoming well known. New field studies reveal in depth the striking adaptations of …

[KIRJA][B] Primate behavioral ecology

KB Strier - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
This comprehensive introductory text integrates evolutionary, ecological, and demographic
perspectives with new results from field studies and contemporary noninvasive molecular …

Adaptations to a cold climate promoted social evolution in Asian colobine primates

XG Qi, J Wu, L Zhao, L Wang, X Guang, PA Garber… - Science, 2023 - science.org
The biological mechanisms that underpin primate social evolution remain poorly
understood. Asian colobines display a range of social organizations, which makes them …

[HTML][HTML] Using the gut microbiota as a novel tool for examining colobine primate GI health

KR Amato, JL Metcalf, SJ Song, VL Hale… - Global Ecology and …, 2016 - Elsevier
Primates of the Colobinae subfamily are highly folivorous. They possess a sacculated
foregut and are believed to rely on a specialized gut microbiota to extract sufficient energy …

Fallback foods of temperate‐living primates: A case study on snub‐nosed monkeys

CC Grueter, D Li, B Ren, F Wei, Z **ang… - American Journal of …, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Only a few primate species thrive in temperate regions characterized by relatively low
temperature, low rainfall, low species diversity, high elevation, and especially an extended …

Feeding strategies of primates in temperate and alpine forests: comparison of Asian macaques and colobines

Y Tsuji, G Hanya, CC Grueter - Primates, 2013 - Springer
We analyzed regional variation in the diets of two primate clades, Asian macaques and
colobines, whose distributions include temperate–alpine forests. We addressed feeding …

Snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus): potential distribution and its implication for conservation

J Nüchel, PK Bøcher, W **ao, AX Zhu… - Biodiversity and …, 2018 - Springer
Many threatened species have undergone range retraction, and are confined to small
fragmented populations. To increase their survival prospects, it is necessary to find suitable …

Diet and feeding behavior of a group of high-altitude rhesus macaques: high adaptation to food shortages and seasonal fluctuations

K Zhang, F Karim, Z **, H **ao, Y Yao, Q Ni… - Current …, 2023 - academic.oup.com
Diet and feeding behavior data are crucial to a deep understanding of the behavioral
response and adaptation of primates to a high-altitude environment. From August 2019 to …

Graminivory and Fallback Foods: Annual Diet Profile of Geladas (Theropithecus gelada) Living in the Simien Mountains National Park, Ethiopia

JC Jarvey, BS Low, DJ Pappano, TJ Bergman… - International Journal of …, 2018 - Springer
All primates show some dietary flexibility, particularly during food shortages. Foods
consumed during times of scarcity (ie, fallback foods) strongly influence the ecology and …