Method and apparatus for clearing cloud compute demand

J Moorthi, CA Thorpe, W Josephson - US Patent 9,239,996, 2016 - Google Patents

Cost-minimizing task scheduler

KM Shih, CL Christofferson, RJ Cole, P Sirota… - US Patent …, 2020 - Google Patents
Methods and systems for cost-minimizing job scheduling are disclosed. A definition of a task
is received. The defini tion comprises a need-by time. The need-by time comprises a …

Cost optimization of cloud computing resources

CA Thorpe, W Josephson, J Moorthi… - US Patent 10,026,070, 2018 - Google Patents
9, 239, 996 B2 1/2016 Moorthi et al. 2002/0019844 Al 2/2002 Kurowski et al. 2002/0116533
Al 8/2002 Holliman et al. 2005/0005272 A1 1/2005 Moody et al. 2006/0013229 Al 1/2006 …

Method and system for implementing virtual machine images

M Cui, GA Smith, T Memon - US Patent 11,243,707, 2022 - Google Patents
Disclosed is an improved approach to implement virtualiza tion objects in a virtualization
system. The virtualization object from a first namespace is cloned as a snapshot that is …

Event-driven computing

TA Wagner, A Nair, MJ Brooker… - US Patent …, 2020 - Google Patents
A service manages a plurality of virtual machine instances for low latency execution of user
codes. The service can provide the capability to execute user code in response to events …

Automatic management of low latency computational capacity

TA Wagner, SP Reque, DC Thomas… - US Patent …, 2021 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A system for providing automatic management of low latency computational
capacity is provided. The system may be configured to maintain a plurality of virtual machine …

Mapreduce implementation in an on-demand network code execution system and stream data processing system

TA Wagner, HPA Hussels, MJ Brooker - US Patent 11,243,953, 2022 - Google Patents
Systems and methods are described for providing an imple mentation of the MapReduce
programming model utilizing tasks executing on an on-demand code execution system …

Automatic determination of resource sizing

SP Reque, DS Manwaring, DC Thomas… - US Patent …, 2021 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A system for providing automatic resource resizing is pro vided. The system
may be configured to maintain a plurality of virtual machine instances. The system may be …

Low latency computational capacity provisioning

TA Wagner, DC Thomas, SP Reque - US Patent 11,263,034, 2022 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A system for providing low latency computational capacity is provided. The
system may be configured to maintain a pool of virtual machine instances, which may be …

Message-based computation request scheduling

TA Wagner, DS Manwaring, SP Reque… - US Patent …, 2021 - Google Patents
A system for routing requests to execute user code based on how frequently the user code is
executed is provided. The system may be configured to receive a request to execute user …